Wednesday 1 December 2010

Train Whistle

RTB asked about the status of the train whistle a week or so ago.

Throughout the four years of the term, the issue has been bandied about many times.Three Directors of Public Works have been involved.

The Region was originally not in support.

They are responsible for St. John's Sideroad and Wellington Street.

The Town is responsible for the other two.

There have been umpteen reports,and positions. Kind of a Kuma Satra about railroad crossings.

I understand staff at the Region will bend every which way to accommodate regional councillors and keep them happy.

The last decision we made was to pay $65,000 from our coffers, to the Region, as our contribution towards Engineering Fees to design crossings to accommodate no train whistles.

At the same time we urged the Region to pay up.I'm no longer sure what

The question of liability is still outstanding.

With the awful possibility of an accident and fatalities ,whose liability would it be?

If it happens at St.John's or Wellington Street is it the Region's?

If at the other two, is it the responsibility of home and property owners in Aurora?

What would that cost? Is the CNN relieved of the responsibility?

Because some residents who cannot endure the sound of a train whistle,made the unfortunate decision to buy a home abutting a railroad track, even while no trains ran on the tracks during the witching hours.

In conclusion, to the best of my recollection of all the pages of stuff written and read, provided at various times,during the last and previous-to-last term of office ,we have expended around a hundred thousand dollars and we have nothing on the ground to show for it as yet.

Staff time for various consultations with various parties is not included in that sum.


  1. Robert the Bruce1 December 2010 at 10:25

    Thanks for the update Evelyn.

    Too bad so much time and money has been expended to make a few home-owners (who did not do their homework) happy about a horn from a train that goes by their neighbourhood 8 times a day - 5 days a week.

    One has to wonder how they would have reacted if it was a steam train with smoke and hot embers flying out of the smokestack?

    Then there are those that want to electrify the GO lines. What sort of backlash will that cause from those that don't want a hydro corridor? Will they allow a high-voltage line be strung through their neighbourhood? I doubt that will go over.

    Maybe these NIMBYs should move to the new housing that will be built on the old Buttonville airport. There will not be any aircraft any more.

    I certainly hope this whole whistle thing is dead. The whistle is a safety device. There is a reason the trains sound it before they reach a level crossing. The first person killed because they did not sound a whistle will be a hard pill for council to swallow.


  2. stop this madness dead in the tracks if it’s not too late , This type of patronizing behavior is exactly what sent the last bunch packing , I think you will agree that the majority of Aurorans could care less about a train whistle that’s been blowing for over 100 hundred years. Time to start representing the majority Eve ,lets start by putting this BS to bed


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