Wednesday 19 January 2011

The Posts Below

Two responses posted below are in reply to e-mails received in reaction to Council decisions.

Actually they were not decisions. Councillor Michael Thompson was absent from council last night. That left us with eight at the table. The only reports we dealt with were a development application on Yonge Street and the staff report on the Region's modifications to the 2C Secondary Plan.

Before the latter was passed on September 28th a resident of Hartwell Way came to Council and asked the plan be changed and his road not be continued as planned.He didn't know the road would be continued before he bought his home. He was fearful of the traffic volume.

Council agreed.

The problem was Council does not have the final authority. Roads and of necessity,
underground services are planned long before lots are created. It has to do with contours of the land.

By the time homes are built and occupied the design of roads and underground services are fixed. Cannot be changed.

Councillors were risking nothing by agreeing to the resident's request. They knew or should have known,the region could not and would not agree Now the Region has said no, Councillors can blame the big bad region and still come out smelling like roses.

The second is a response to a resident who is appalled that Council would even contemplate an application for development on Yonge Street in the Ederberry Hills neighborhood.

I made the point in debate about the cost and not having a leg to stand on at a
potential OMB Hearing.

Councillor Gaertner said I was right and staff support for an application not supported by council makes the town vulnerable at a Hearing. The Councillor suggested it was not appropriate for staff to be making recommendations contrary to Council's position.

Even as we speak, so-to-speak, I have no doubt Ms Walmer will be rallying neighbours to deluge Councillors with e-mails demanding they opposes the project.

It just occurred to me there's no reason why I shouldn't share .


  1. Dear Evelyn:

    In reading through the last half dozen posts it is sometimes difficult to see who is talking, i.e. you or the poster.

    Possibly you could state what you are saying, what a poster is saying, and what a respondent is saying.

    Lots of activity!

  2. Stop the Crap "Now"19 January 2011 at 20:21

    Good let them fill the Hall next week , and just in case they need to hear the cold hard facts repeated from the "Horses Mouth" (no disrespect) I'm sure you'll indulge them , Let’s just hope the rest of your partners around the Table start to take a page from your book and end this constant pandering to the whiners and bitchers that was so disgustingly prevalent last term, It’s time to face the fact that we have an official plan ,like it or not, We can’t afford any more of these baseless legal battles that have all but sucked our treasury dry , without one single thing to show for it

  3. Re the resident on Hartwell Way.
    In my opinion the onus is on the resident to look into what the development plans are before making the decision to purchase. I have learned this lesson the hard way but the fact still remains that everyone should do their own homework before acting. If there is a decision in the planning works that you don't like, that find something else to buy on a different street and stop wasting council time with whining and griping after the fact.
    One of the "buzziest" bees in my bonnet is that, in general, today's society (collective and individual) never wants to be responsible for their own decsions and actions and is always looking for a "fix it" solution from someone else.
    Oh, and by the way, I live in the Hartwell neighbourhood and have for almost 6 years. I knew that Hartwell was planned as a through street. The information was available to me then in the first phase of the neighbourhood. I guess the complainer was asleep at the wheel when he/she bought.

  4. Just a side note that we are now seeing where her support is and not hearing from Clr.Sandra.

    I will not use her last name because Clr.Wendy will not call Mayor Dawe as such.

    It is becoming clearer we now have a gang of four in the works.

  5. Similarly, people who's properties backed onto the pond on the west side of Millcliff got their knickers in a knot when the Casemount Place condos went in. Even though the developer told people purchasing on Millcliff in 1999 that the land behind Millcliff was approved for development. Here's a clue: if it's zoned for development, people will build on it, despite good wishes whatnot.

    I feel little sympathy for people who didn't do their homework, especially on a pricey thing like a house.

  6. To Anonymous at 20 January, 2011 9:43 AM

    "I will not use her last name because Clr.Wendy will not call Mayor Dawe as such."

    That is very grown up of you. Just because Wendy did not show respect to the mayor (in your opinion), and Sandra does not agree with your particular position on something, you are going to show her the same lack of respect?

    Honestly, you folks here must have had grand illusions of some miracle when the council was elected. There has always been alliances on councils. Grow up.


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