Thursday 20 January 2011

Pressure Techniques

Susan Walmer knows them all. But we may have discovered the path of resistance. I will respond to every letter and respectfully present the facts.

It's better than what goes on in a council meeting.

For one thing, in a debate, you can't keep repeating your argument to emphasize the point. You can't respond to every point made 'cos you only have two chances to speak.You can't criticise another councillor, such as suggest they may sitting on their brains. No matter how insane or perfidious you may think they are. You can't tell them that they are nothing but a bunch of panderers and or associates.

You have to be eternally civil and respectful and that's often quite a strain.

I so wanted to say to Councillor Gaertner on Tuesday; "I cannot believe what you just said, "

Councillor Gaertner is known for saying stuff that sucks the air out of the chamber, leaving everyone with mouths open like a fish out of water.

I had made the point, an O.M.B.hearing of five weeks would likely cost $500K. With approval in principle of the application recommended by planning staff, a decision to refuse would have no chance of success.

Councillor Gaertner agreed the town would be vulnerable in that circumstance and suggested it isn't proper for staff to make recommendations to approve an application in principle when council is opposed.

Councillor Gaertner is very proud of having been re-elected. And rightly so. Conscious of seven years of experience, she is confident of superior knowledge and judgment.

A person would have to have a good understanding of the Planning Act to understand how far off base the comment. But three other Councillors joined Councillor Gaertner in voting to reject planning staff's recommendation.

Councillor Michael Thompson was absent from the meeting. It meant we did not have the mandatory odd number to guarantee a majority vote either way. There was no decision. The issue has to come back to Council.

If Councillor Thompson is not back next Tuesday. If the tie vote holds. We will be heading into an O.M.B. hearing with a potential price tag of $500K with no hope of defending the indefensible.

Councillor Ballard says we should not "cave-in" every time a developer "threatens" an O.M.B. hearing. He acknowledged he is not a planner. He didn't say the town's planning staff advice was not worth considering or acceptable.

Councillor Gallo didn't say much of anything that I recall. Councillor Humphreys didn't either.

It is a very cost-significant decision. We will be spending $500K of taxpayers money to fight a battle we don't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning.

That's more tax revenue than we collect in a year from five hundred homes of average assessment.

Opposing residents have clearly been misinformed. By voting against the recommendation, Council members are as much responsible for promoting misinformation as is Susan Walmer for disseminating it.

Other than the blather from Councillors Gaertner and Ballard, it would be kind of nice to know the rational of the other two Councillors for voting as they did.

There is no obligation to participate in the debate. To vote is mandatory.


  1. Evelyn, these last few posts have been really informative. I love it. Thanks for providing us with the opportunity to understand the nuts and bolts of the issues.

  2. With respect.... how have you come to the $500k cost figure? I hate it when numbers are pulled form thin air - what is the background of this cost?

  3. Imagine the nerve of that uppity resident trying to influence elected officials. How dare she appear in public to make her case!

    Doesn't she know in Buckland, you sign away your right to participate in public affairs the second after you cast your vote?

    Doesn't she know that in Buckland, once the election is over the Politburo takes over and makes all decisions?

    No more input needed, thank you very much.

    Now, Ms. Walmer, please move to the other side of the rail in council chambers with the rest of the unwashed masses. Your input is no longer required.

  4. So from what you relate about the meeting, Gallo is still as silent as ever and has nothing useful to say. I thought nothing would change in him and we will see if I am correct. I absolutely do not understand why people do not participate in discussions or debates or even appear to have an interest, let alone an opinion. He is such a milk sop.

  5. How many of these people forever "protecting" the Oak Ridges Moraine live in houses built on said moraine?

  6. Here we go again. Last term Escalade Sue was designated the Town's go to Environmental Expert. A non-engineer she knew better than engineering experts and was able to point out errors they weren't able to. Now moving to the present Escalade Sue is portaying herself as a planning expert shooting holes in seasoned staff Planning Personnel. The fact she is not a trained planner is immaterial.Whats next?

  7. Things are Looking Up22 January 2011 at 18:01

    "Now, Ms. Walmer, please move to the other side of the rail in council chambers with the rest of the unwashed masses. Your input is no longer required"

    That would be lovely, and it just might happen now that the real politburo got their arses kicked,Common sense might just prevail

  8. "How many of these people forever "protecting" the Oak Ridges Moraine live in houses built on said moraine?"

    Not only do they live on it but they excrete and urinate on it , No Sewers, I wonder who gets to drink the water out of their aquifer, What's the old saying those who live in glass houses should not throw stones or drive gas guzzlers!!!!


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