Tuesday 18 January 2011

This Morning

I just sent a reply-all e-mail to council which took an hour and a half to write.

E-mail is a great opportunity to fill council in on background of various issues without monopolising time at Council meetings. Not that we've had many.

We are having our first general commiittee meeting to-night. I've read the reports,
Now I have to read them again and mark up the parts I need to question.

The Chief Administrator approved several hundred thousands of contracts during
Council's "recess" between elections. I don't know what the word "recess" means in the context of a council. I have never known a staff to have authority to approve contracts over a certain figure.

In the atmosphere around the town hall these days, if staff are challenged by an elected representative, a suit for defamation could result, a complaint could be made under the town's anti harassment policy or filed under the Code of Conduct
or all three.

The occupational hazards of municipal politics have never been thus.

Staff are being asked to examine the Code of Ethics and the Code of Conduct and advise councillors how to conduct ourselves in office.

Any way, it's eleven o'clock , I haven't had breakfast. I have some phone calls to return and e-mails to acknowledge.

I just read a snippet in the Toronto Star about bottles of Scotch being buried in the ice under Antartica for a hundred years. It was still sloshing in the bottles when they dug it up.

I'll get back to you to-morrow...or maybe sooner.


  1. christopher watts18 January 2011 at 12:10

    in regards to the whiskey does anyone else think that it's a complete waste to unearth such a treasure to test it and then put it back. What is the point of that?

  2. "I just sent a reply-all e-mail to council which took an hour and a half to write.

    E-mail is a great opportunity to fill council in on background of various issues without monopolising time at Council meetings. Not that we've had many."

    Here we go.... how to win friends and influence people - Buck style!

    I am sure they will all file an email that took 90 minutes to write into the trash.

  3. Isn't discussing the town's business with councillors by email moving the business of council forward outside of council chambers?

  4. Anonymous said...
    "Isn't discussing the town's business with councillors by email moving the business of council forward outside of council chambers?"

    Give me a break !!!!

  5. "I am sure they will all file an email that took 90 minutes to write into the trash".

    My what bitterness, do I detect a looser sneaking back into the picture, Looks like your still working the Magic Ev.
    Keep it up


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