Wednesday 9 March 2011

A Mathematical Equation

It's six thirty a.m. I've been  awake for an hour writing this post in my head. It's going to require activation of the little grey cells Hercule Poirot refers to his dingbat friend  Hastings , on a regular basis.

Last night's council meeting  proceeded  from seven to nine o'clock with no  town business  accomplished.

We  presented  yet another Heritage award to David Tomlinson. Recognised coaches and sixteen girl soccer players for bringing  home a championship for the first time in  forty-six years of the soccer league's existence.Took happy photographs of all  with the Mayor.

Klaus Wehrenberg took up two delegations and a comment in public forum to tell us changes to the procedure bylaw intended  for greater efficiency were undemocratic.He argued once more  for  his comments to be part of the public record as opposed to Councillors,whose comments never are. He read a list of changes he determined  were needed  to a  land acquisition strategy..

We heard from Catherine Marshall, one of  Mormac's Mercenary Minions about how our intentions in amending  procedure are for no better reason but to stifle democracy and disallow the  public voice to be heard on television.

 Councillor Gallo expressed  concern that  the  Chamber doors being closed to keep out  the winter chill signifies a lack of openness and transparency as opposed to the practice of  the previous administration of  completely vacuous openness and  horribly obvious transparency.

We waited while Councillor Gaertner shuffled through papers to prove the Mayor had mis-stated something  and finally give up in bewilderment and continued to argue fiercely  for vague and nebulous principles.

We discussed  the changes to the procedure bylaw for the second time all the while  the clock ticked and turned until it reached the hour of nine p.m...

Present  throughout, without obvious purpose  were eight members of the town's Executive team.  Hands folded. Nothing to contribute to the proceedings.

 I invite you  to participate in a  relevant mathematical equation.

Consider the average salary and benefits of the team  of  $180K  times 8.=$1,464. million. It's  an   annual cost. However, only  ten months of service.are  realised because of  statutory holidays, vacations, sick pay, family emergencies, close relative funerals etc. etc. 

My math may not be precise but I figure  two hours of executive leadership team  time,  serving  as a
captive audience for the first two hours of last night's meeting   saw $7, 320. flushed through the system
with not a scintilla of customer service return.

Nothing.   Nix,.. nil,..nada... zilch and zero. Amen my friends.

And if that's not enough to disturb your equanimity, consider this additional fact. Staff are entitled to take time off  in lieu for time worked in  excess of the work week.

It stands to reason ,if the work load is not accomplished because of time taken off in lieu of time sitting in the council chamber as passive participants to the show, additional staff must and will  be hired

The clock keeps turning, the system keeps flushing and  your hard-earned tax dollars keep  washing  down the river  like a spring flood, four times  every  month of the year.

And that's not counting the cost of resources to service   citizen advisory  committees of  assembling  regularly within the  proposed soon to be platinum -plated walls of  Aurora town hall.


  1. Speaking of advisory committees I saw an ad in the Banner inviting applicants for 6 (I think) committees. Did I miss something or am I totally off the wall with this one?
    I thought that the number of committees was going to be reduced because the committees can't make decisions and it has to go back to staff anyway?
    If the committees are remaining, I hope the recruitment process is more logical and open than previously where it was the same old, same old favourite few who populated the majority of the committees. I hope a major effort goes into matching requirements with skills and we rid the town of favourite appointments.
    I also hope that all councillors, not just the same old, same old few are also matched to committees by background, skills and interest.

  2. Right on, Evelyn -

    I Watched PART of the council meeting.

    The disorganization of the "paper-shuffling" councillor drove me to distraction.

    If you know you are going to speak to somthing you have that document in front of you - highlighted sections obvious - does she know about highlighters??

    What a waste of time for staff and council.

  3. Broderick Epps9 March 2011 at 09:34

    You wrote "We waited while Councillor Gaertner shuffled through papers "
    For anyone who watches council meetings, thats all Ms Gaertner ever does. If you go back to the infamous;did she call for a motion clip, guess what Ms G was doing prior to calling verbally for a motion. This "Councillor" can shuffle with the best of them. Too bad she doesn't understand the content.

  4. I watched the council meeting too and was maddened by the shuffling and the general "out to lunch, I don't have a clue what's going on" demeanour of wispy Wendy - plus her endless nattering to councillor Humphryes to help her find whatever it was she was looking for.
    When will this limp lulu understand the meaning of the words "homework", "preparedness" and "efficiency" and act on them?

  5. Tim the Enchanter9 March 2011 at 17:09

    I too gave up after watching the first part of the meeting. I did enjoy however the complete deflation of the Save Democracy! hot air balloons by a simple and concise presentation of the facts - particularly by councillor Thompson.
    Can you believe the nerve of this guy - actually doing some homework and being prepared to offer reasoned comments instead of rhetoric?
    Quite a change from some on council who respond to agenda items with blank stares as if having just returned from a six month camel caravan across the Sahara.
    Councillor Buck, your passionate comments were spot on.
    Some citizens/groups have been very successful in taking advantage of TV "face time". I feel the jazz festival group did this: questions that should have been raised and discussed were swept aside as several councillors took the "Prime Time" opportunity to shamelessly gush about their undying love of Aurora's fledgling "Woodstock".
    Last night, I switched off after Ms. Gaertner, obviously playing to the "Aurora - God's Annointed Town" crowd, proudly proclaimed that Aurora was not out of step with the rest of the province vis a vis delegations/open forums - but in fact a shining example for the other municipalities to follow!
    Sorry WG - nice try but no sale.

  6. "Consider the average salary and benefits of the team of $180K times 8.=$1,464. million. It's an annual cost. However, only ten months of service.are realised because of statutory holidays, vacations, sick pay, family emergencies, close relative funerals etc. etc. "

    I would consider that this is a good reason that our taxes are too high! Consider too that these people will have a wonderful pension from OMERS when the retire too. I am all for paying staff for their good work, but if $180K per year (salary, benefits, etc) is the AVERAGE.... we have some problems. If they are only working 10 months a year, perhaps attendance records should be reviewed.


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