Monday 27 June 2011

Snippetts...a Couple

I'm going out to a meeting which I may or may not stay at.

The Region after increasing water rates two years in a row by 10% is planning to repeat the exercise for another four years. This is water we are buying. Not oil, It is ours. We own it.

It is not controlled by O.P.E.C. at a hundred dollars a barrel.

Apparently despite developers paying for infrastructure in the ground and handing over millions in developer charges to pay for capital infrastructure, the region has still managed to incur billions of dollars of debt and  they plan to increase  water rates by 60% in six years to pay for it.

The fee for a vendor in the park during  the jazz festival is $250.Farmer's Market vendors can vend for $125.   It is revenue to the jazz festival  for vendors to sell in a facility with all services , they got  from the town for free .

In the Name of Charity.

Two stories of government failure in the Star today. Millions of dollars of "eco "fees sitting in bank accounts, on the basis of disposing of computer waste.

Family businesses in school bus companies all over Ontario, put out of business  by new government regulations about contracts.

Talk to you later.

1 comment:

  1. Why don't we just cut off the Region from our water?


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