Saturday 23 July 2011

The Resident's Quest

The resident  has addressed Council twice already with his concerns about the hazards  of monkey bars in his neighbourhood park.

He  sent a previous  e-mail to the Mayor and all Councillors.

He  took  me to task for not speaking when he thought I should and speaking when he thought I shouldn't.

Just when  he appeared to have convinced the entire Council  of the  seriousness of the problem, I had  the audacity to suggest  staff should  provide  a written response to the serious charge  that Aurora   places the  lives of  children at risk with  hazardous playground equipment..

The resident  requests " Mr. Dawe"  to inform whoever needs to be informed of his intention to attend the next  Council meeting and specific documentation  he requires to refute the report requested by Council  from the Director of Leisure Services.

The resident is completely confident in his own expertise. He works as a construction safety inspector.
He is  equally confident of his right to appear for a third time at Council  with the same concern and to fully participate in the debate on whether or not  the equipment should be removed.

Council had one meeting to deal with the town's business in July. The agenda was extensive.

In August, the same situation prevails; one meeting..lengthy agenda.

It remains to be seen if the resident's demands will be acquiesced.

What will it tell us about Council's respect for its own function?


  1. The world is full of self proclaimed experts and saviours from ourselves, there was an excellent discussion on CBC raidio yesterday morning on this very topic , but the only real contrast to your so called "Safety Expert" was that the folks being interviewed were in fact experts , The common theme between these participants is that our society is generally far to protective of children in that we tend not allow children to challenge themselves in their early development , but what was most intersting was their view that parents of young children, under 6, should always determine their childs abililty and never allow them to particpate in playground activities without direct supervision , My what a novel idea, Much easier to blame someone else and sack the playground equipment.

  2. On this one, we will be watching All the
    members of Council, not just Humphreys who
    has a tendency to parrot and vote with the last


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