Monday 4 July 2011

This Just In......Last Thursday

Aurora Culture Centre

Ramp up your creativity this August with a series of 4 individual Camp Days
brimming with a variety of music, dance, art projects, improv & theatre games.
Two great themes to choose from - only $45 per child per day!
Camp day hours: 9 am - 4 pm

BONUS! Fee includes 8:30 am Drop-off and After-Camp Activities


I get regular bulletins about what's going on at the Culture Centre.

A couple of weeks ago, it was a sing along on a Monday afternoon at two o'clock. The songs were from World War 11 . A company was providing the program. No doubt a fee was paid. Somebody would need to pay expenses.

Admission to the concert was free. Refreshments were provided afterwards

No doubt seniors would enjoy the program.

The odd thing about it is the Seniors have their own facility and staff support. t Perfectly capable of organizing entertainment and refreshments to follow.

They pay for it too. Seniors don't get services for nothing.

The question is, why would the Culture Centre be providing that program at public expense when Seniors are providing programs of their own choice at their own expense.

Consider the bulletinabove. Individual camp days. $45. a day. Hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. But the children can be there from 8.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Presumably they will be doing whatever for the first half hour and the last hour.

Isn't that a bit weird?

Isn't it a bit expensive?

What artistic knowledge can a child absorb in a day "brimming" with activities, that's worth $45.

How does it compare with camp programs offered by town leisure services in facilities designed for the purpose outdoors in a park on a summer day?


  1. Evelyn, school is out, can you say daycare for $45.00 please.

  2. Elizabeth Bishenden5 July 2011 at 12:22

    Having half an hour before and after the programming is normal for a day camp in Aurora.

    Evelyn, you've been a Councillor for the last two terms. You have seen the development of the Cultural Centre, and the costs associated with it. If you don't like those costs, you've had more than ample opportunity to speak about the problems you've seen.

    The problem is not with the progammes. The problem is with the agreement that Town Council set up with the Cultural Centre Board.

  3. So seniors are only allowed to have entertainment at the Senior Centre?
    You do talk some rubbish sometimes, Evelyn!


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