Thursday 24 November 2011

Odds And Sods

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Field Facility Is A No Go":

Have the Mormac attacks tapered off or are you
culling them ? What happened to Anonymoose, Guy
Poppe, Prickly Pete and Young Progessive ? Are your
mornings quieter ?


Since I have no idea who they are, I have no idea what,if anything,happened to them.I'm not culling
abusive comments much .. They have tapered off.

My mornings are not quieter. I have  a cat and a dog  and  two budgerigars living with me for a while.

They have a lot to say for themselves.In budgerigar speak. Especially if I'm speaking on the phone.They seem to think they need to join in.and drown me out.

 It's a good thing they're in a cage.  I swear they would perch on the phone and chirp and cheep,full of  sound and fury,  into the voice end.

 I went to a party last night. Couldn't stay. Had a planning meeting to attend.

My friend Ron Wallace is retiring. There was a great crowd there to wish him well.  I just wish he wasn't retiring.

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