Friday 13 January 2012

The Budget Is Crunch Time

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "No Skating On The Ponds":

I have a question about Council dynamics, Evelyn, Is it possible that there are enough Councillors trolling the Town and encountering what I am hearing that they could require the Mayor to take action ? He seems to prefer to pussy-foot and this is not a time for that type of behaviour. Nor is why my family supported his bid to become Mayor.We have never asked him for a thing and he seems to only heed those who demand things of him.
Think I'll stick with Anonymous for now.


The 2012 budget will decide whether to continue funding the operation at Church Street School. A motion moved and seconded to remove the funds from the budget, puts the question on the table. Debate ensues. Councillors may or may not state a position but no-one can abstain from voting. 

Councillors are not alone at the table. Every interested member of the community has a right to inform them and the Mayor how they want to see the matter proceed.

I think the Mayor is responsive. I also think most Councillors will state their position before they cast a vote.

The community has a part to play.

1 comment:

  1. isn't there a legal contract that has years to go clr buck?


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