Monday 23 January 2012

Bullfrog Power... The Guest Post I Re-typed

The comment below about Bullfrog Power represents a tremendous effort. Both in knowing what questions to ask and pursuing information wherever it existed and compiling it into simple, continual and readable form.

John Abel received it and forwarded it to me. I felt the need to share it.

Whoever you are, on behalf of the people I represent in Aurora,I express our appreciation for your excellent enterprise and contribution to a well-informed community.

It is the program


  1. Nothing at all wrong with wind power generation, In fact we are all using it, the problem is some sharp business folks were able to convince gulable polititions and civil servants that its worth the big premiums only government is foolish enough to fall for, You know,It's all about that warm and fuzzy feeling they all get when they walk up to that office door each morning where they are greeted by photo of Kermit stuck to the door.

  2. I think the issue is what your priorities are. There are some that are willing to pay a premium for products or services that are eco-friendly or "healthier". Look at the prices of organic food in the grocery store. There are those that feel that to pay a premium to Bullfrog is worth the extra money.

    Where I have a problem is that the Town (who I fund though taxes) should not make decisions like this. Unless the public overwhelmingly asks the Town to be "green" on their behalf, they should be trying to spend the least amount of money as possible - while receiving the same service levels.


If you've got a comment, this is the place to leave it for me. Please feel free to leave your name, or even just an email address if you'd like a response. You can also email me directly.