Sunday 22 January 2012

Come On.....Get With The Program

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "This Is Re-Typed.":

You are passing on ideas without attribution.
Poor show.
It DOES matter whose ideas you are promoting.
Transparency, anyone?


Every day I post anonymous comments. Including the one above.

If you find it hard to absorb the implications of what you read here,I understand.

I find it hard to accept myself and I am in the middle of it.

I deal with it by sharing. By laying it all out. Make of it what you will.

Some find it hard to believe. Others simply don't. They accuse me of all sorts of nefarious activities. Like lying. Distorting. Making it up.Being a puppet. Having someone else manage the blog.

It's never challenged with logic or facts.

Yet it's open to challenge.

Would anyone understand I wonder, if I express the hope, for the sake of the community, it can make a difference.


  1. "Get with the program".

    What's "the program"?

  2. Odd that these characters do not get their own Blog. Could it be that there are simply not enough of them ?
    Hit the 'ignore' button after enough and maybe they'll just curl up and blow away.

  3. Ah but this blog is written by someone sitting on council and is titled, "Our Town and its Business".

    It doesn't make sense to ignore those in our town with whom an elected politician disagrees and hope hope that those with a different viewpoint will "blow away".

    If this blog were a personal blog written by someone not sitting on council, Anonymous 10:04AM might have a point.

    Evelyn Buck is on council to represent Aurorans.

  4. "Evelyn Buck is on council to represent Aurorans."

    Evelyn Buck represents her own strong-minded, long-held opinions and beliefs on council. That there are voters that agree with her views keep her on council, slightly more often than not.

    There is nothing co-operative or consensus-building in her approach. You either agree with the monolithic mindset or you don't - the choice is yours - as 'the lady is not for turning.'

  5. And you, 12:13 PM ,are neither on council or writing a Blog. So what qualifications do you offer for telling
    Evelyn what she should, or should not, do.?

    Oops. I forgot to 'ignore' you. My bad.

  6. 3:19 PM
    A literary quote totally out of place and age. Why should the lady be for turning in a world that spins and seldom makes any sense. She supplies stability and lets other spin.A professor would question your attempt at erudition unaccompanied by justification. He/she might respond with ' full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. " See how easy it is to turn a phrase.
    Why do you waste your time ?


If you've got a comment, this is the place to leave it for me. Please feel free to leave your name, or even just an email address if you'd like a response. You can also email me directly.