Thursday 19 January 2012

Contradiction In Terms

We are still in the throes of budget. We have heard everything we need to  from staff. It is time for Council members to make decisions.. To that end,  I proposed each member prepare a list of items in the draft budget, we cannot support. The idea appeared to be acceptable. It wasn't a motion .It's not on the record.

It is how the budget was left on Monday evening.

On Tuesday evening, we had a couple of  recommendations  that relate to  the budget.

One  was advice from the Heritage Advisory Committee  to approve  a demolition  permit for the George Browning house on Yonge Street.

Second was  from staff to approve creation of two estate lots in the Elderberry Hill subdivision, the neighbourhood previously represented by S.W.A.T. a Ratepayers' Association.

Three votes opposed  the demolition permit. The house is an eyesore. It stands empty,bedraggled and a blight on the street scape for the past  several years.The owners planned a Montessori School on the site. Neighbours opposed the proposed access, recommended by staff,  from a rear lane shared by all .and unbeknownst to the town but owned by the town .

Years have passed. Finally  the project  is at the point of movement.

The result will undoubtedly be a property currently  receiving all municipal services; water, sewer,police protection,fire protection,snow plowing, parks,library; all the wonderful services provided by the Region of York including, I believe $270,000 a year salary for the  chairperson. and contributing minimally  to its share of the cost, will finally shoulder its share of the tax  burden.

The difference in our tax base could potentially tally millions..

The owners followed all required steps in the process. Paid all fees  Retained  professionals to design plans and  make  presentations  at multiple  meetings  .All for the privilege  of investing  resources in the Town of Aurora.

In every sense and reference, they are  investors/stakeholders/clients/taxpayers and customers of the Town of Aurora.

The  draft budget includes a couple of items related to a new "Customer Service" plan  not requested by anyone but recommended by staff.  Kinda like the Culture Centre.
We already have a manager of the new service.There's $120,000 in the budget to change the phone service to accommodate the plan. I believe another $200,000 is related. .

The second issue at  Tuesday"s meeting  was  similar.. An empty acreage property in Elderberry Hills recommended by staff to be divided into two lots.

Since the subdivision was approved , the parcel  has been  vacant, producing minimal revenue . Receiving all  town services mentioned above except water and sewers. At one time it was  thought to have been set aside for a park and marked Open Space.

At some point hence, the municipality accepted cash -in-lieu of a park which freed the land for development.

A public planning meeting has been held.   Meetings with neighbours. Work with staff. Experts hired  by owner.  Many man hours  at town expense. . Application fees charged and paid . All  steps directed,  compliantly followed.

Two homes will  range millions of  dollars assessment  for the town.

The owner also  undoubtedly falls into the investor/stakeholder/client, customer/taxpayer class

In the budget, we have a couple of items related to the new "Customer Service" plan recommended by staff. We already have a manager of the new service ..There's $120,000 in the budget to change the phone service to accommodate the  plan.I believe another $200,000 item is related. .

On Tuesday night, the evening following  budget deliberations, three members of council voted against issuing a demolition permit  for the Browning house to the investor/ stakeholder/client/customer/taxpayer  of the Town

Councillor Pirri noted his "personal" choice was  not to approve  demolition.

The majority voted to defer  approval of two  estate  lots in the Elderberry subdivision.

Councillor Gallo reported to Council, two residents had advised him  they were not notified of the application. Former Councillor Evalina MacEachern was in the audience with  a friend. Ms MacEachern was  a leading member of SWAT, a Ratepayers Association.  Neither are  neighbours of the Elderberry Hills property..Councillor Gallo  proposed the item be deferred.

Staff  responded there was no problem with a deferral. Council deferred the decision.

In the budget. we have a couple of items related to the new "Customer Service" plan recommended by staff. and adopted by Council.

 A  manager  for  customer service has been on the payroll for several months.

$120,000 is in the budget to change  phone service to accommodate the new customer  service  A second item  of $200,000  also relates .

Everything is in place, except evidence of  a change  in  recognition of who are the customers of the Town of Aurora.

Not a glimmer or trace of  understanding of the makings of  a stakeholder,investor,client. taxpayer or customer.

Fees are horrendous. Red tape almost insurmountable. Deferral inevitable with the slightest whisper of opposition.

Customer  Service?...A cruel joke.

Nothing but codswallop , meaningless claptrap and the swish  of money siphoning down the drain.


  1. I was going to ask if Susan Walmer was in attendance - she is part of the SWAT groups. Having Evelina and Walter there somewhat answered my question because they are all joined at the hip. Probably attended key parties together.

  2. Perhaps all members of Council should have their salaries deferred until they vote for or against something, for whatever reason, "personal" or otherwise.

    Sort of a "pay as you vote" concept.

  3. "Perhaps all members of Council should have their salaries deferred until they vote for or against something, for whatever reason, "personal" or otherwise.

    Sort of a "pay as you vote" concept.

    19 January, 2012 4:34 PM"

    Now there is democracy in action!

  4. Yes Evelyn there were three votes opposed to the demolition.

    I was one of them.

    There was information provided by delegates and previous designations in the exact area that concern me.

    Just the fact that the building became an eyesore was not enough for me to vote in favor.

    With the design I had traffic concerns and issues with why a house almost directly behind(on Temperance Street)was recommended to be protected by heritage designation by staff.

    There was a comment that we needed a designation in that area due to interest on Temperance Street due to the Promenade study.

    I have concerns so I voted based on knowledge from within committee and presentations.

    I only wish those who voted in favor were not historians.Kinda makes you shake your head.

    But now I have given them a forum to speak to why they voted to demolish.

  5. I see Evelina at least once or twice a week at a social gathering. She is the most pleasant person around.

    On the other hand, I saw the former Mayor at the RCSS a week ago yesterday. She has aged hugely... Leave her alone.


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