Sunday 8 January 2012

Culture Centre/ Minus Museum Advertisement

I put my glasses on to read it a second time. It was too hard to believe. I needed to be sure. I didn't count the names. That would have been tedious. I did notice a number repeated in the two categories. If I pointed that out, it could be said I'm picking on the Culture Centre Board and Staff. I would then become villain of the piece.

I'm talking about the full-page ad in this week's edition of The Auroran. Regular price about $1,300. No sponsor referenced.  So none is assumed. 

I guess since the Town transferred $347,000 in 2011 to the self-appointed board,the ad is financed with town funds.

It is a Thank you to supporters and those who used the facility in two years of operation. The list must have been a truly herculean task to assemble.

Mayor Dawe and Council are thanked. Town staff receive kudos as well. The Town of Markham is mentioned and Newmarket and Orillia.

The Town of Aurora, representing hard-working,some not-so-lucky but nonetheless, heavily-taxed families and businesses does not get a mention.  Like the half million dollars and rent free facility comes from the pockets of Mayor, Council and town staff.

To be sure,they are the conduit. They picked taxpayers pockets again in 2011  to increase the handout without accountability.

It wasn't always the plan. But that's how it was contrived and how it continued  even after an election.

Despite normal checks and balances devised to protect town interest.

Despite a recent scathing report from the town solicitor reflecting the agreement between the board and the town is an appallingly inadequate instrument.

Despite persistent discontent expressed within  council and community.

Still,there isn't enough political acumen within the entire bunch to stay out of the fight.

The extravagant ad is the latest salvo to justify excess largesse from the town.

The Centre's CEO recently made a presentation to Council for the purpose of maintaining budget support. Staff were effusively thanked for  support and guidance.

Did spending on advertising that cocks a snook at "those expected to pay for town operations" get the nod from town staff,I wonder.

Timing is  priceless. Maybe they had $1,300 left lying about they didn't know how to dispose of otherwise.


  1. why don’t we just conduct another one of those informative and representative polls in the Auroran ,that Alison does so well, Keep it simple

  2. Why not go after the $$ the cops are costing us taxpayers?
    What about their "closed door" sessions?

    Why keep beating on Aurora's growing pains in building a community with a cultural centre?

    Why beat on visions others have to enrich life in Aurora?
    Some of us like to see more opportunities in our town.

    Perhaps you could expand your horizons in 2012?
    Maybe you could focus on suggesting/supporting some positive vision for our community.
    Hope springs eternal.
    Right now negativity seems to be your "one trick".
    Look at all the new experiences Betty White is pursuing, at her age.

  3. Brickbat Returns8 January 2012 at 13:44

    To anon 1:02pm

    What message are we sending to our youth when 1.75 million dollars is collected from fund-raising and grants for a museum.
    Then miraculously it gets flipped to something else.
    The message is you can misappropriate with no consequence.
    This is especially true in Aurora.

  4. 1:02 PM
    Are you beginning to feel the heat ?
    That was a perfect " Meow " of a comment with a touch of ageism added in for flavour.

  5. WOW ! That poster believes the Cultural Centre is as essential to Aurora as the police force. Talk about delusions of grandeur.

  6. Ostentatious and wasteful public relations' disaster. Even Gallo and Ballard will have to notice this latest gaffe. That should reduced the numbers of supporters on Council even further. It has to be something in the water.

  7. I am hopeful and fearful at the same time about how Mayor Dawe will deal with this mess. It could help him enormously if he would lead the charge which seems inevitable. But the uneasy feeling comes from the possibility that he might try and air-brush the situation. This is as good a test of his mettle as was the
    termination of funds for Morris' lawsuit.
    Wouldn't it be wonderful to see Council act as a unit to rectify a rapidly deteriorating situation ?

  8. Publicly acknowledging customers, contributors and patrons and saying 'Thank You' is somehow wrong?!

    *shakes head in dismay*

  9. To anon 5:56 pm

    I did not hear see them say thank you to the Historical Society and the Heritage Grant dispersers who helped them benefit 1.75 million dollars and gain a building with help from members of the past council.

    To Anon 4:41pm

    Mayor Dawe and other councilors are afraid to take on this matter as they feel it will give the old gang amunition in the next election.

    Just my take on things.

  10. This is all very confusing. Is there one person over there who is authorized to spend such a sum right before the budget gets a final going-over or is it some type of board. If the latter. it would appear to be a case of mass hysteria. There is no rationale to explain shooting yourself in both feet in the present economy with the taxpayers already incensed by lavish hand-outs and entertainments.
    Is there anything we can do, Evelyn, or we all just wasting our time and effort trying to stop the sinking of Aurora's own Titanic ?

  11. Whatever happened to thank-you notes that were read and kept ? Who reads ads ?

  12. 6:14 P.M.
    The next election is then. This is now and we deal with the now. They are loud and have money but we cannot afford a cowed Council. Time to face the budget and hope the blood-suckers move on.
    Just my take on things

  13. "it would appear to be a case of mass hysteria"

    Maybe, if you and a few others can be said to comprise a 'mass'.

  14. To 6:14 P.M.
    Those people who you fear might have ammunition in the next election voted the straight Mormac ticket. They were a minority and lost. I think there are more of us, at least there were more during the election and it might be better, wiser, to pay some heed to us. We really, really don't want to have to stage a repeat. But that's just my take on things.

  15. I am troubled and disappointed with the Culture Centre ad. There is an interesting article in today's Sunday Sun, by columnist Christina Blizzard. The article speaks to the unfair advantage 3rd party Political Action Committees have. I can see the similarities.

  16. I'm "troubled and disappointed" that one of my councillors is a Toronto Sun reader (if that really was his comment).

  17. I read the column, Councillor Abel, and saw no similarities. However, I did have a laugh at the irony of a Conservative complaining about negative ads!

  18. Welcome Councillor Abel.
    I apologize for the insult that greeted your appearance.
    You will discover that there are a few nut-bars who insult everyone because they are unable to contribute to the dialogue. Please ignore their bluster.

  19. I find this extremely interesting. The Cultural Centre kept urging Aurorans to have a look at what they were doing so that we could appreciate their contributions to the town. Well, we have taken our time and had a very thorough look, But when we ask questions, they refuse to answer and hurl insults. Now it appears they wish to take back the offer for us to look around. Now we are back to being uncultured neanderthals.


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