Sunday 1 January 2012

A Guid New Year Tae Yin an'a

It's not too late for 2012. I wouldn't be surprised to discover some almanac or other  has a favourable prediction.

I wrote a post this morning on the combination of friendship and political representation. It was hard to express and I wasn't satisfied. So I didn't publish it.

I  had some work to do connected with the Examinations for Discovery undertaken in July. I felt compelled to complete the task before the year was out. So that's how my day has been occupied.

I have not done much digging for stuff written by me or back issues of The Auroran. I was convinced I had no skills in that direction.

But being the last day of the year and hide-bound by a life-long superstition that every task should be completed before the year is out, I got down to it and accomplished my objective.

Now, having once travelled the path, I'm sure I can do it again.


  1. I don't have a lot of sympathy for insurance lawyers but it must be a bitch to represent a bunch of blatant bullies. But the pay is good and there is work to be done. At least they have work... of a sort. Bless you and the vessel you sail on.

  2. Evelyn, Are you allowed to say whether or not you have a date for the Examinations ? This does seem to be dragging on and on. I don't know if there are due dates on law cases but there should be.

  3. Right on. That disaster of a defamation case is still before the courts even though Justice Brown threw it back in the faces of Morris' lawyers. All you can be sure of is that anything having to do with the law will cost plenty of time, money and effort.

  4. What's the point?
    Money for lawyers?

    Can't see any other point.

    Oh, ego.
    I forgot.

  5. See front page Auroran.

  6. If that insurance company has anyone following the other two law suits, which is doubtful, they may decide to cut a deal and get out of Dodge. If you google Morris, you can see the national fall-out. Otherwise hang tough. The number of individuals willing to cut large cheques is being rapidly reduced. Pox on them all. each and every one of them..

  7. Budget Talk
    It looks as though the Aurora taxpayers have just paid for a full page ad for the Cultural Centre in the Auroran bacause, guess what, " We are a non-profit organization."
    Really have to lose these people. We cannot afford their idiocies and pretensions.

  8. 5:34 PM
    It must be more than Morris' ego that keeps her on the path of self- and town-destruction. She does need serious help in dealing with the reality of owing a large number of people a hefty amount of money that she had believed was going to be hers to spend.

  9. Keep focused People , the common theme on these ridiculous law suites is that they were ALL initiated and funded by You ,the tax payers and there is absolutely no doubt about it , Therefore and in fairness to the victims, should it not be those very same tax payers that fund the outstanding balances owing to them for their personal losses. How is it that the Town can launch legal action against its residents and not have a stake or better still, an obligation to compensate those they harmed , Just asking


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