Monday 30 January 2012

In The Beginning

When I started writing the blog, I was  naturally interested in how blogs progress.

I remember reading about one with thousands of visitors every day. The Blogger had been  diagnosed with  terminal cancer. He was keeping a daily journal of how of  his life leading up to his death.

It was not something that held any appeal for me.

My readers were few but I was delighted to have any and I  always  wondered if my own logging in accounted for most of the numbers. But the numbers slowly grew and I stopped being phobic.

Considering the subject was relatively narrow, I didn't really know what to think of the numbers.

My sole purpose was to inform Aurora residents.  I wasn't looking for a wider audience . Just being able to tell  what I  knew and thought about things was satisfaction enough.

In the last few days, since the situation in Georgina hit the fan,the numbers have taken a flying leap upward.It's exciting.

I  also think it's a good thing to know what's going on in neighbouring commuuities. We know through  national and local media  of  catastrophes happening in far-flung areas of the world. But we don't know what's going on twenty miles up the road or down for that matter.

It wasn't always like that. In the days when local weekly newspapers were in competition with each other for advertising,they did a fair  job of keeping us informed of issues within the County which became the Region and in the various Boroughs that made up Metro.

The  Toronto Star,  Globe and Mail and the Telegram all paid attention as well. The Telegram is long gone.The Toronto Sun took it's place and we get less local news than ever before.

It's another one of those changes people keep reminding me of,while they themselves have no idea of what they are missing.

Maybe the Blogs can fill the gap.

I am not proposing to become a roving reporter. But I will welcome news from neighbours. We can share some of our experience. I don't think it can hurt. Maybe it will help.

What say you?


  1. I agree Evelyn. Blogs can and do fill the gap, especially if and when the traditional reporters may be slow to respond. That's what makes the internet so powerful. Ideas and the facts that support them are free flowing and unobstructed most of the time, with the exception of the occasional town funded lawsuit which has the little side effect of stifling political free speech or at the very least intimidating those who dare to contemplate sharing the truth as they know it.

  2. you asked....

    I personally could care less. It does nothing to or for me. I see enough uninformed rhetoric here about Aurora issues. The last thing I need is to read he same about a topic that most know less.

    I am sure it will get worked out.

  3. I think Georgina may be much as Aurora was in the beginning. They are unable to believe what is happening right under their noses and that should be no surprise. Few pay attention to Municipal politics, except maybe to vote and sometimes not even then. You assume everything is in order.
    The magnitude of the egregious behaviour boggles and people tend to resist believing. It will take a while
    for the news to filter down over coffee and or beer. Even now it is difficult for Aurora to comprehend what went on during the past administration and we are still cleaning up.

  4. Man, I never thought there could be another council as self-destructive as Mormac. But the Grossi council is contending for the title.

  5. In June the CAO of Georgina, Sue Plamondon, left after 2 1/2 years.
    Does that sound familiar, Evelyn.

  6. Evelyn.
    What precipitated this lawsuit.
    What was said?

  7. Fisch,Grossi, Emmerson..Senior members of Regional Council.
    Inspires confidence doesn't it.Yeah right!

  8. TO: Anonymous 30 January, 2012 8:29 PM
    Who asked... "Evelyn.
    What precipitated this lawsuit.
    What was said?"

    Answer: Google the Pefferlaw Post and read both the Jan 10 and Jan 24 issues. Also go to and search for "Grossi". This case smacks of being a strategic lawsuit against public participation(SLAPP) lawsuit as far as I'm concerned.

    If you ask me, everyone should be concerned about any elected official that feels that this kind of politically motivated legal bullying on the town’s dime is acceptable.

  9. It makes no sense whatsoever for Grossi to attempt this defamation case.. Just Goggle our former Mayor to see that happens when you try to 'clear' your name by attacking others. Aurora had no test case to study so we became the test case. To follow blindly along our path simply make no sense. Does no one read ?

  10. To Anonymous 31 January, 2012 7:51 AM....

    Give me a break. There are three sides to every story, so far you have seen one and are fabricating a second. The third side is always the truth. Lay off the hyperbole for a while.

  11. Maybe we won't be the only community where when people hear where you live they exclaim in horror, " Isn't that where you had that crazy Mayor ?"

  12. Grossi HAS to sue the newspaper to form his defamation case.

  13. To: Anonymous 31 January, 2012 7:51AM

    Quote: " far you have seen one [side of the story] and are fabricating a second."

    How do you know what I've read ? What have i fabricated ? The facts are rather obvious for those of us that have actualy done some homework on this issue.

    You're lucky that some of people are prepared to defend your right to stick your head in the ground and say what-ever the heck you want in a political discussion without the fear of legal retribution.

    It’s amazing to me how the comments on the blogs in Georgina are 100% against Grossi on this issue (to date) and yet in Aurora we see at least a couple of people who seem so willing to defend the absurd.


If you've got a comment, this is the place to leave it for me. Please feel free to leave your name, or even just an email address if you'd like a response. You can also email me directly.