Monday 16 January 2012

Modern Myth

Anonymous said...
"There is no point nagging and repeating ourselves here."

You must be new to this blog.

15 January, 2012 12:19 PM


It's my blog party
I "ll  nag  if I  want to
You would nag too, 
If it happened to you

I watched  a great movie last night...  Again.....  The Fugitive

Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones. 

I've watched it many times before. No doubt, I will  watch it again, every time  the opportunity presents.

The action never falters. The determination. The intelligence. Following the logic. Solving the crime. Persuading the hard bitten cop.

In the end, he didn't get his wife back. But he didn't rot in jail for the rest of his life for her murder either. 

And the bad guys didn't win.

It's my kind of drama

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