Tuesday 31 January 2012

Public Notice of a Special Meeting

On Thursday at 12.30 p.m. there's a  Special Meeting of Georgina Council with an Agenda posted

So far as that goes. it is in order.

There's  the required  call for declarations of pecuniary interest.

Council will open the meeting and recess to go into closed session.

The purpose is stated. To obtain advice subject to solicitor/client privilege.

That might be  perfectly in order  depending on whose solicitor and which client.

If the solicitor is retained by Council to provide advice on town business, it is exactly as it should be.

If on the other hand, the  solicitor  retained by the Mayor  is advising on the  personal law suit  by the Mayor against John Maclean , funded  by the Municipality.... propriety of the item being  on a Council Agenda is less than seemly.

The right to privacy of an individual who can be identified is a legitimate reason for closed door discussion.

What politician would argue  a law suit against a resident, already made public by passage of a Bylaw,  would entitle the  politicians who passed the Bylaw or for whose financial interest  the bylaw has been passed, to  privacy not afforded the resident being sued with  his own tax dollars.

On the other hand, councillors may be seeking legal advice about what to do...what to do.

Anyway you slice it,  public resources are being expended for a  purpose not clear under current circumstances.


  1. Been reading this blog for awhile but i have been lazy to drop a comment and say thanks. That ends nowadays: Thanks mate!

  2. Whoopi, bells and whistles. Well done the lot of you and, of course, the captain of this unmanageable vessel.. Thank you for this day,


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