Tuesday 31 January 2012

Some Things Bear Repeating

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "A Brief Summary And Tally":

And........ ??

We know all this already.

Time to re-focus on Evelyn I guess - Grossi has had enough of this blog for now.


The Blog has a new audience.  Georgina residents have had a rude awakening to events. Aurora has already been through this experience. We can share.

Residents  need to approach their Council  to protect  their interest.  They need to convince them to reverse the  decision to fund Mayor Grossi's personal legal costs.

In Aurora , an election intervened. The new Council reversed the decision but not before $65,000 had already been spent.  As it turned out for no purpose, useful or otherwise.

It was not a solitary event. It was the culmination of  a succession of  events throughout a term that went from bad to worse.

Georgina Council has three more years to serve. People need  to act. They should  not accept financial responsibility for personal litigation undertaken by the Mayor.

When Aurora Council voted for the weasel worded motion, they had no idea what was intended
Georgina  doesn't have an election in the offing to allow voters to decide the matter..

If it continues for three years, God  knows what  legal costs will be on both sides.

What I saw of the R.O.C facility on television, it looks spectacular. . If it's going to cost  to iron out  problems, that's where  money needs  to be spent.

I don't know any municipality that can afford to spend taxpayers' money to  compensate for what it would cost every time a fragile political ego is assailed.

Four year terms for municipal government  has  reduced voters rights substantially.

Just appealing to the Mayor to think again would not be out of place. Georgina should not be tearing themselves apart. They  need to be working together to get over this hump...pardon the pun


  1. Georgina has an opportunity to nip this in the bud. Aurora had to endure an entire term of Morris hare-brained schemes. We will never see a full accounting of legal fees, chicane construction, stroking egos at the Cultural Centre, the delay in creating the Museum, the list goes on and on.
    If Georgina can benefit from our horror stories, some good could result.

  2. another closed door meeting on the horizon...



  3. Evelyn,
    Please don't print this is it is out of line or rude.
    Has anyone indicated that Mr. McLean has a decent lawyer? Grossi's law firm has about 200 lawyers with nothing better to do. This could end up costing more than the Mayor has demanded, especially if he refuses to withdraw the suit or drags it on indefinitely. A pro bono firm seems to be a pipe dream and the CCLA will stand behind McLean but they never actually seem to do anything concrete like paying the bills.
    This is scary stuff. McLean sounds like a man of principal and the legal system can grind them down.

  4. Let's ship Chris Watts up to Georgina then and let him help them out.

    He's a Keswick sort of guy anyways.

  5. If you Google Grossi defamation, there are a list of hits.
    Evelyn's Blog is 4th or 5th on the list.

  6. Georgina Forum, which you reach by Google to Grossi Defamation, has an on-line petition and planned meetings. You don't need to sign up to read it, just if you want to comment.
    There are now boots on the ground.

  7. another shifty closed-door meeting in a few days:

  8. Petition is ' to revoke By-law to indemnify a member of council against damages and legal procedures.'

  9. Evelyn:

    This is in response to the latest posting by Christopher Watts headed "The Value of Trust"

    Mr. Watts is displaying a certain thin-skinned sensitivity and obvious dislike of anonymous bloggers, those who "lack the confidence to emerge from the oozing slime of Anonymous."

    He revels in the fact that he always displays his name on what he posts on whatever blogs he deigns to honour.

    He says that "All relationships are built on trust. Social networking is about recognizing those relationships and engaging those connections, influencing and being influenced by them.

    You can't fake a relationship, although it certainly hasn't stopped this poster from trying."

    Trust can be relative, from minimal to absolute, where you trust your life in the hands of another. If this is true, then relationships are very elastic, from the minimal of trust to the absolute. Any reasonably intelligent adult knows full well that there's no such thing as an all or nothing relationship; we're in this world on relative terms.

    As for social networking, this has been potentially the most destructive piece of technology as it permits people to make fools of themselves, instantly and around the world. Be it Facebook or Twitter or any one of a thousand electronic media, they could have been used for far more positive effect than they presently are.

    It's great to be able to discover and share knowledge at the push of a finger, and there are unlimited opportunities that have become available. But I see too many youngsters pounding away at their computers, their pads and their phones transmitting non-stop garbage and in the doing of same they have no need to meet and interact face-to-face with their contemporaries. They are not interacting on a social basis, they are doing so through gadgets that will render them unfit to participate in human affairs, there will be no true relationships and thus no ability to trust another person.

    As Justice Carole Brown has so eloquently stated in her decision that blew away the former mayor's defamation action, the right to remain anonymous is granted as part of our freedom of expression under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It was in part the hundreds of anonymous bloggers who ultimately were responsible for the former's downfall at the polls.

    Were these people untrustworthy? I believe they did the right thing and I hope they will continue to blaze away indefinitely under the banner of anonymity.

  10. Christopher, I am sorry we injured you. It was not the intent. But, to quote your gambler, ' You have to know when to fold them etc.'

  11. If you play with fire you can get burned.

    If you play with water you can drown.

    If you put the one in a cup with some dried leaves, then hold over the other, you can have tea.

    It's a matter of choice.


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