Saturday 21 January 2012

What Is Normal ?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "A Crystal Ball":

This blog appears to re-use/recycle same old ideas/insults/accusations.
Nothing new/enlightening/positive can exist in such an entrenched culture.


The blog  acquires new readers all the time.They do not read  " re-used/re-cycled same old ideas"

Retelling  is my way of emphasizing the dastardly deeds of  the past. Carving  them in stone.

Ensuring they are understood from whatever new  context  presents.

Warning  against repetition.

A chronicle  is not a collection of " insults and accusation". It just  seems like that. Because the last council was a house of horrors. Except for what they did behind closed doors, it was on view for all to see. All  I did and still do is provide  pointers.

I make no apology. If and when required, I  will keep doing it.

Unfortunately politicians are inclined to the same tendencies. Such as trying to be all things to all people. Many constituents demand it.  But it's the opposite of why this council was elected.

Taking the easy way out rather than the road less travelled won't cut it.

The well-worn path  easily becomes a slippery slope.

I  find myself  slipping into the dialogue  of a Woody Allen/ Diane Keaton movie I watched in the wee small hours one night last week. It was entirely, endlessly cliche delivered in a serious mien typical of the two. Hilarious and ridiculously compelling.

Now that I have indulged myself  maybe I can go back to being normal.

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