Sunday 19 February 2012

Why Does It Bother You?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Police Headquarters":

You've only told this story umpteen times.

No. You  only think so because you apparently don't like to hear the updates.

The story is told again only when there is  a new chapter.

Don't forget, the blog is attracting new readers all the time, who have not heard  it before Background is necessary.

The newspaper that ran the latest chapter handled it in an interesting way. The headline read;

Police Headquarters Heading South.

Why not;

Police Headquarters heading to Aurora.

 It's an Aurora publication. Presumably with readers . One would expect the story in Aurora to have been a Banner headline.

Almost like the story


  1. Evelyn

    Can a councilors Blackberry records, if used for Town business be accessed.This would be in case citizens are being negatively treated or influenced.

  2. Totally off topic, There is a new Harris Poll that no one trusts Facebook, Face Book, because they are viewed as unethical, people who would sell your information and not to be trusted. The majority said they would not invest in an entity that would become AOL whatever that is. But maybe Mr. Watts should take a wee look at this and see if this truly is the future for our kids and his. He is welcome to condescend but the poll is there and he has not mentioned it. Mind you, we do not answer poll questions and are off the radar.

  3. Rat running for cover worried about Blackberry. Asking Evelyn for advise. Super stuff. Chitter , chitter. If you wrote it, it is out there, Live with it.


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