Thursday 8 March 2012

Last night's thoughts

I wrote a post about certain comments being unacceptable.

I can't publish critical posts about staff.  Privacy issues are also sensitive.

A third causes discomfort. Comments about a person's appearance or private life make me cringe. They contribute nothing  to a  discussion.

 Sometime  a solid reasoned comment  slides into asingle negative  personal  reference. It creates a dilemma for me.

Do I reject the whole comment? I think I must.

When comments are flooding in, some stuff  gets published that shouldn't.

I am asking commenters to make things easier for me.

Don't indulge  in personal denigration.

You may be anonymous.

I am not. I am representative of others.

I take no pride in that level of  commentary.


  1. Is there an oath of office that members of Council must take upon being elected?

    If so what does it say?

  2. Process, in and of itself, might be important.

    But unless it leads to decision within a reasonable time, it is useless.

  3. To Anonymous 1:29 -

    There is also a Code of Conduct - why observe one but not the other?


If you've got a comment, this is the place to leave it for me. Please feel free to leave your name, or even just an email address if you'd like a response. You can also email me directly.