Sunday 4 March 2012

Oh... What A tangled Web We Weave

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Bull By The Horns":

Well said, Dame Evelyn.

Call out if you require reinforcements.

I just need you to cast your minds back and re-call
anything that struck you as odd.

It's actually quite difficult to keep stuff like this secret.

With so many people involved, it's entirely possible many are not even aware they are in the thick of a nefarious plot.

I am thinking about staff. They would not be brought into the secret.

I am already aware the most enjoyable days at the Centre are the those when people from the Historical Society are cataloguing artefacts.Everybody has fun.


  1. I agree if you speak of staff in general. There must be questions about those from the previous administration who do not know much about Aurora's history but do know about the Morris tenure. The possibility of defending their old turf is certainly to be considered.

  2. Staff were kept out but so, I am finding, were people who should have been informed and who have nothing to do with daily life at the Town Hall. When the dust finally settles, one way or the other, Dawe will be able/have to say he ' did it him own self'. On TV just to make sure he can never forget.

  3. For those out there who take culture more seriously than the superficial blather that has been thrown about these past few weeks, here's a recently published book - "Wired for Culture" by Mark Pagel.

    Quoting from the Chapters intro to this book - "A unique trait of the human species is that our personalities, lifestyles and world-views are shaped by an accident of birth, namely the culture into which we are born. It is our cultures and not our genes that determine which foods we eat, which languages we speak, which people we love and marry, and which people we kill in war. But how did our species develop a mind that is hardwired for culture and why?

    Evolutionary biologist Mark Pagel tracks this intriguing question through the last 80,000 years of human evolution, revealing how an innate propensity to contribute and conform to the culture of our birth not only enabled human survival and progress in the past but also continues to influence our behaviour today.

    Shedding light on our species defining attributes from art, morality and altruism to self-interest, deception, and prejudice, "Wired for Culture" offers surprising new insights into what it means to be human."

    This book is highly recommended to the Board of the Aurora Cultural Centre, and to all in the community who care about this subject.

  4. It has been almost a week since the meeting. Has the committee been struck? Who is on it?


  5. Not sure about suggesting reading material to the ACC. These are the folk whose Council puppet refused to pass the budget because it did not cut the Library funding adequately. Go figure.


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