Saturday 12 May 2012

Let This Be Understood

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Tim the Enchanter has left a new comment on your p...":

Sorry, but no. If you do not take a stand, you cede the field to those who do. The former Council have talked freely about their version of events.

You are absolutely correct. I have found myself in a situation of being at a disadvantage from not being able to speak of what was done behind closed doors and reasons for same. 

The stringent requirement to "save the town harmless"  and remain tight-lipped can cause irritation within the community'

In this case the Councillor criticized did take a stand on the issue. 
He stated his position the matter did not conform to the requirements of the Municipal Act. He repudiated the action taken by six other Councillors and the reasons they gave.

It was not the first time he did that.

The Councillor is and was fastidious in adhering to his responsibilities as an elected official. 

As I imagine he has been as a private citizen throughout his entire
life.    .


  1. Remember Deep Throat? He sunk the Nixon Administration from within. Maybe the first whistle-blower. Would have remained a secret if his daughter hadn't blown his cover. I've always wondered why she would do such a thing.

  2. That's fine in theory, Evelyn. The reality is that there are many residents who just assume that one councillor is de-briefed after every closed meeting.

  3. I have always had an issue with councillors that feel that it is better to boycott a meeting if they disagree with it instead of attending and at least witnessing what happens.

    Case in point. During the last election, then councillor Grainger was asked by a potential voter about his participation in the meeting to level the law suit. He indicated that he did not understand that he was endorsing such an action. The only people that really know were in that room. If Ms Buck and Ms Mrakis had been in that room, they could say "Stephen... you are lying". But they can't because they were not there. They can only assume what went on and we all know what happens when you assume.

    As a councillor, you are being paid to attend meetings. You should attend all (unless sickness or vacation) and stay for the entire duration. When I am at work and I have a meeting that goes over time, I can't pick up and leave.


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