Tuesday 3 July 2012

There Are Parades

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Who's Up For A Celebration":

Sunday was a day for us to visit family in a small town on the south shore of Georgian Bay.

The day began with the need to get gas for the car. As I tend to patronize Esso, I had to get to the station on Yonge across from Greystones. Of course Yonge was closed for the parade. As I made my way through the back streets to the Esso we noticed the parade was just reaching that point. We watched for a few minutes, the "crowds" when scarce.

90 Minutes later driving into Thornbury, the traffic stopped. In the distance, you could see their parade had reached the corner of Bruce St. and Hwy 26. We had to wait the better part of 30 minutes.

One thing I noticed was the differnces of the two. The Thornbury parade was very community oriented. Decorated bikes, people with flags.

Who decided that the parade should take place at 10am?

The parade was the second event of the celebration..
There was a dance at the  town park the night before. 
The main event  of the day was at Lambert Wilson Park where all the fun and games took place.
There were fireworks in the evening.
Families flock to the park.
But some still love a Parade.
So we try to do it all.

1 comment:

  1. What the heck happened during the fireworks. The best part of the Aurora firework as watching the Newmarket fireworks in the background. After an exciting countdown we waited another 10 minutes before anything started - and when it finally did start there was a painful pause between each and every firework. We decided to leave early to beat the crowds - industrial parkway was already pack up - it was embarrassing to see how many people were leaving mid way through the grand finale. Please tell me there were technical problems...


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