Sunday 8 July 2012

Hope Springs Eternal

Posts are likely to be erratic for the next little while.
Family matters take precedence.
Sometimes I feel a steady stream of controversy  is likely to be tedious and  regular readers will lose reading.
Certainly there are those who would like  to convinced  me of that.
Then I think...I don't control the items of concern. I can't  make a  choice of what I will write  and what I won't. 
If  readers were not interested in getting the whole schpiel,
readership would have dwindled  a long time ago.
There are things happening you need to know about .But they can wait. Council will not meet again until July 17th at 6.00p.m.
The picture may have improved by then.
I'm an optimist


  1. Evelyn:

    Hope does indeed spring eternal.

    Hot off the wire - Katie and Tom reach a settlement. And this in just a few days.

    While we in Aurora have to wait for many months of secret meetings involving we don't know who, as Councillors participate at the risk of breaching the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, and thus may not. Unless, of course, they have no right to vote. In which case, why bother?

    This is pretty bush league compared to the world of Hollywood and Scientology.

  2. Your thoughts?:


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