Friday 20 July 2012

Query Box

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "News":

Does "Unanimously" mean that everyone that was in attendance voted the same way? I think that as long as a quorum was in place,and everyone in attendance voted for it... it was unanimous.

For the purpose of a municipal record a vote would be categorized as unanimous if all present voted the same way
The record wold also show  elsewhere ,who was present and the names of absent members.
For the purpose of evidence in a court, to suggest the entire Council was unanimous if the entire Council  was not  present  is not an accurate representation of  facts.
On the status of  court file no. CV-09-096918-00; examination for discovery of my evidence took place  August 3rd 2011.. Discovery of the defendants  has yet to take place. 
Justice Boswell has been appointed by a Supreme Court Justice to 
case manage the file. 
A Code of Conduct  is  enforceable  with  an Integrity Commissioner appointment. No Integrity Commissioner has been appointed since the last one was notified of termination.


  1. Did former Mayor Morris vote on the Sept 14 motion ? If not, would the vote still be recorded as "unanimous" even if she abstained ? I would think so, but I'm just wondering because I as far as I can tell, there is no reference to any abstention.

  2. Given what has happened in Aurora, Colorado.... I would like Council to consider renaming our Town to something else.

  3. Total topic change as this legalistic stuff can be dangerous. I need some help on history. I was told recently that at the CNE it used to get up over 100 degrees. My time was later with the polio scares & we were not allowed to go there or to Toronto pools. Simply do not recall it being that hot. Have I forgotten? { I do remember walking a mile to school twice a day & walking out the front door to disappear into a snow pile so all is not lost.}


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