Monday 10 September 2012

A Weird And Wonderful Week

Tuesday night we had Council in Committee. I stayed up until five a.m., watching and listening to a replay of the speeches at the Democratic National Convention.
Wednesday there were more speeches that I couldn't possibly miss
Thursday and Friday I had some stuff to do for myself.
Thursday night,  more  speeches culminated  with the President's nomination acceptance speech.
I can't help it. To me, we are watching history in the making.
I've listened to many memorable  speeches in my life.. 
In the history of the world, I think  there is no office more important or  times more fraught with  danger and difficulty than now, and  the office of the President of the United States of  America.
I  watched with horrid fascination the talking heads of the media  as they  indulge their propensity for expertise in all things. 
From seats on the sidelines, they   know with never a doubt but without actual experience, exactly what should  and should not be said  in order to manage  minds. 
I managed to get a couple of blogs written . But I didn't get my notice of motion re-written and forwarded to the Clerk's office in time to be included in this week's agenda. 
I did  that  yesterday and circulated it to Council  members. I will e-mail the clerk this morning and ask for it to be included as an add-on to the agenda  with a request for waiver of the Procedure Bylaw to allow it to be received.
If a delegation can seek  privilege to appear  until 4 p.m. on a Monday afternoon, I think a notice of motion to be received is not an unreasonable request. .
It's an interesting Agenda.There are fifteen items .
Four are memorandums from the Mayor. Two from Councillor Gaertner. 
Five  items are  from the August 15th meeting. One of them ,a
memorandum from Councillor Gaertner, is  a copy of a resolution from the Town of Markham   prohibiting  the keeping of African Dwarf frogs within their boundaries.
Perhaps my notice of motion  to provide a means and  opportunity for public facilities to be used  for the purpose of an entertainment festival during the 2013 August long week-end ,by inviting expressions of interest from local organisations, could be  slipped in there somewhere without upsetting anyone's apple cart.    


  1. Why does Aurora need a memorandum about the African Dwarf Frogs from Councillor Gaertner? Not sure if she could distinguish them from the Tree Frogs or why we should care.

  2. Maybe you could slip the town B-Day Party through on that weekend? A Real Festival for Real Aurora would be great, but I don't want to upset any ideas being formed by our committee. They certainly will know how to handle such a thing.


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