Saturday 1 September 2012

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "A Choice Of Words.":

Blame the victim.

A few weeks ago, another grand-daughter agreed to accompany two sisters to York University.  The older sister was  going to choose  courses for her first year. 
None of them had any idea how long it would  take.
In a coffee shop, a prominent  notice warned of  risk  on  campus and  advised  not to go  anywhere alone. 
They  didn't budge  for the next couple of hours.Major downer.
Was  there an area of personal judgement to be exercised.?
Was the risk real or imaginary?
It was real.
Did they take responsibility for their own safety"
I think so.
First rule of thumb ..don't be a victim.
Which is  not to argue victims of crime are responsible for the crime.
The argument is not about blame or civil rights.
It's about dealing with the reality of our society .
Not  what it should be. Not what we would like it to be.
But what it is and how to take care of oneself.   .


  1. Increasingly we have come to watch over family first. But it is only recently that there have been so many threats. I remember after the Three Mile Island incident figuring out who would be in which vehicle to collect scattered members, trying to deal with demands for safe passage of pets, large & small. Now each family has it's own swift packing list - not good but what the world has become. And Canada is still a truly safe country considering the family backgrounds as more individuals marry into the group. We are grateful even as we squabble.

  2. The biggest threat is from the Campus Book Store. I hope that second/third hand books are available for the girl. University Book Stores make huge money with ' required text-books'. Some profs rely on them so you have to have access - others ignore them. It's a mug's game until you see a few tests & exams to decide which type of teacher you have landed.


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