Sunday 30 September 2012

Hey Ho,,, Away We Go

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "By Their Deeds, Ye Shall Know Them":

Just let them go. It's like when your kids demand to do something that is seriously goofy but safe. Let them go


I know. I know. 
Politically, it's so much easier to go with the flow.
But when a staff report outlines half a dozen reasons why holding two business meetings of the Corporation  in two  different school  facilities is not feasible and the Mayor  simply waves his arm and  commands,  let's get at it, or words to that effect, and everyone else shouts Yippee i Yo, I really have a hard time overlooking the obvious.
Councillor Pirri offers the suggestion the agenda item for the "meetings" should be something to interest the  students such as a teen centre.
How would it  qualify as  a Council meeting? 
How would it conform to the Procedure Bylaw.
How would it be anything else but the show Councillor Pirri  believes should go on the road.?
Did I take an Oath of Office to be part of  a traveling circus.

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