Saturday 8 September 2012

Councillors Are Not Alone At The Trough

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Things One Hears":

Yup. And All councillors pay to attend events at the Centre. NOT.


Councillor are not the only ones who do not pay to attend events at the Centre. But they are the ones who provide the means so that no-one else pays either.  

A rent-free facility is provided. All  maintenance  costs are paid;  close to  $150,000 a year by now.
And we  purchase  cultural services for the enjoyment of residents and whoever else wants to enjoy the freebies. . 
The Culture Centre Board , receives at a rate that increases by 3% per year , close to half a million follars  to provide culture, free of charge to all comers.
Tally that up;  no rent, no amortization,no maintenance and a slush fund handed over to spend as they will, and we are contemplating  little less than a million a year cost to the public treasury.
Not  as much as a by-your-leave was sought from the taxpayers before that sweet deal was written up. 

1 comment:

  1. We have to watch out for a new project. Have you noticed how the terminology has changed? The Hydro RESERVE Fund morphed into the Hydro Fund & then it was further denigrated into the Hydro Money. What it has come to mean is money that actually SHOULD be spent, which is complete hogwash in today's economic mess. Money should be saved - not spent as if it were a mandate. Staff and council have not proven able to manage anything of substance, never mind this amount of money.
    That's my tirade - no more for a long time from me.


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