Wednesday 12 September 2012

I Was Wrong And I Proclaim My apology. .

Before the day is over ,I need to make a fervent and humble apology to the Town's Recreation Director.
Last night I insisted I had forwarded information to him , sent to me  about a fallen soldier of World War 1, whose name was recommended to be chiseled into  the Town's War Memorial.
I mis-spoke.
 The issue was front and center at the beginning of August. I was distracted by a family matter.
I did  post the information in a Blog. I did not forward it.
I could not have a chosen  worse night to make that mistake.
The Unholy Trinity of the current Council had a plan to ferret out  misdeeds of  staff  in  colluding to  mislead Council into believing  a double tennis court was being built within the budget adopted.
When all the time the project  was in fact being built within the budget adopted. 
The project was halfway completed in  June, Councillor Gallo hedto the location  and  engineered  a stop work order.
 In August the recommendation was before Council for the work to
It was deferred by a motion  from  Gaertner seconded by Gallo.
At last night's Council meeting, the recommendation was again before the Council.
Parks department manpower is augmented by seasonal 
contract staff. The work program is planned around that availability of manpower. 
Time is critical and interference from  a Councillor is not the best way to get the job done. 
In  last night's game , the trio bounced  the ball back and forth between  them about the  Master Recreation plan and where and whether  tennis courts should be.
Readers may remember  the Plan was completed to draft plan stage and referred to the Leisure Services Advisory Committee of the last Council. 
From whence it was squirreled away by the Chairperson The Mac of Mormac  and  friend and campaign supporter of the former Mayor, Ken Whitehurst. He who was involved in the Culture Centre Agreement. 
After ten months , the plan re-emerged having been re-written by the doughty chairperson and faithful friend.
It appears  the Spirit of Whoosh may still lurk around Ye Old Council Chamber having morphed into three, Gaertner, Gallo and Ballard.  


  1. At least this term they are in the minority.

    This trio of dim-wits should be held up for a public flogging every time they waste a precious minute of Council's time, and hence that of the public, from which they receive their thirty pieces of silver.

    If thoughts could become actions they would be toast many times over.

    They disgust me!

  2. How does that fine director keep his composure in the face of this public flogging of trumped up BS by the no minds, Is it not the customary rule by staff to bow your head and declare you have been impuned and proceed to walk out of the room, or is that just for some staff and not others?

  3. There seems to be a need to label staff as saints or sinners. They are neither, nor should they be. The excessive praise should cease immediately and so should all attacks alleging various crimes and omissions. There will be errors which should be corrected, maybe with a bit of laughter, but they will try their best. It is not the fault of those who hired them.


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