Tuesday 25 September 2012

Round and Round It goes. Where it stops .nobody knows.

A planning meeting was held last night. A block plan was presented for approval. The  property parcel with separate owners, represented by a Consultant .
The  plan shows blocks that can be developed and those that can't.They are in the Oak Ridges Moraine. 
There's  a lot that can't.
To satisfy density permitted for the entire area, projects of  condominium cluster housing are proposed.
Roads are shown, private and public. A block for school sites and a park  as institutional.
The agenda  was  provided  to Councillors and made public on Friday. That's the norm.
Persons on the   list as interested parties were notified .
The issue is not new. It has been before the Ontario Municipal Board.
Re-zoning accompanied by site plans  is the next step  and  application was filed on August 11th.
The block plan is  a predecessor.
It was a performance. 
First up, the consultant proclaimed  unbounded admiration for  town staff and their work.
He anticipated concerns from neighbours. He felt there had been  mis-communication. He also responded to  concerns he anticipated being expressed by  neighbours. 
Concerned neighbours in the main are the Ratepayers of Aurora Yonge South a neighbourhood  organization created by Susan Walmer, master strategist, who no longer lives in the neighbourhood
Ms. Walmer was not present. 
Complaints were made by neighbours present about not being informed in time to prepare.
A dozen people were on hand. 
A letter was circulated with several points of concern articulated. 
Access points,two,  from Yonge Street were noted.
Residents of  Gilbert Drive  did not want a signalized intersection on Yonge, linking their neighbourhood in the east with the new in the west. 
They said  Gilbert Drive might become a  short cut to Vandorf  Sideroad.
It wasn't clear why  new residents would want to be on Vandorf Side road .Or why  curving subdivision roads  would present as a shortcut .
A Ridge Road resident worried  about  impact of the development on his private well. He was afraid there would be a draw down of the water. 
It was explained the development will be serviced by town water and sewer services. 
There would be absolutely no impact. 
After residents had their say, we heard from Councillors Gallo. Ballard and Gaertner. They repeated  the residents' concerns.  Including the complaint of staff failure to inform .
Although the residents' presence was writ large and they had had their say.
Councillor Ballard  introduced something new. 
Environmentally sensitive lands that cannot be developed are normally  required to be designated to the town. 
Councillor Ballard  suggested the lands might  be designated to the Oak Ridges Moraine Trust. The owners would then receive market  value for their lands.
Guess how that's funded.  
Susan Walmer is an official of that organization. 
If that happened, the town  is not required but expected to maintain the property.  But at the same time have no authority over how it might be used.
Susan and her crew are in charge of that.  
It's difficult to imagine  why Councillor Ballard  elected to represent  municipal interest, would  suggest something contrary to the municipal interest.   
Finally after endless repetition, the  recommendation was put to a vote. 
Councillor Gallo requested  a recorded vote..
Gallo, Ballard, Gaertner and Humphryes voted to reject the recommendation.
The motion passed with five votes in favour.
I was cold all day yesterday. I thought maybe I should stay home last night and try to get warm.Then I thought, there would be residents in attendance who would want me to hear their concerns.
Good thing I went.
The vote would have been a tie and  town business would have been stalemate once again. 
For no obvious useful purpose.
Just an endless, senseless waste of  staff and Council's time.
Since the strategy was clear from the outset ,we  may assume blocking the block plan was always the  intent  of Susan and her Council allies. 


  1. Someone dropped by the Town Hall this morning & was told that the display for the sidewalks on Industrial would be ready by 4.

  2. The Agenda for tonight looks reasonably safe except for the closed session. If you are getting that stupid cold, maybe take the night off? Take care of yourself, SVP.


  3. Humfryes has finally declared herself to belong with the Three Stooges.

    Not surprising. They all have difficulty articulating their ideas into understandable sentences.

    Walmer is now the former master strategist, just as her favourite hobby horse is now the former mayor.

  4. Good on you ! I guess the time has finally come for me to remove Councillor Humphryes from my potential list. She can't say that I didn't listen to her as she requested when first elected. I have listened very carefully.

  5. The people at the Town Hall ' miss-spoke '. That room is still empty. Surprise ! Your communications department at work!

  6. 2:55 PM That is a shame. She loves to get dressed up and is very good with all the social stuff. But I agree with you. Meetings are a different world.


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