Sunday 16 September 2012


Many of the sentiments expressed in  comments to posts are not based on rational thought.They are reactions to  personal experience..
Are  feelings irrelevant?
Or. are they a barometer of public opinion?
Does a powerful and negative sentiment make us feel uncomfortable?
I think so.
Is that  a reason why it should be expunged ?
I thought about it before I published it.. 
 I thought about it before I removed it. 
When the gang of six  decided behind closed doors ,they had  authority  to use public facilities and resources to punish  people for criticism of  the former Mayor, I disagreed.
The crticism wasn't done during a meeting of Council and directed to be made part of the public record.
It was done in a forum outside  the authority of Council. 
Politics is a harsh taskmaster.
When a vote is cast in a candidate's favour, trust is the currency of exchange.
When trust is betrayed, coldly, blatantly, with calculated, ruthless intent, rage is the reaction.. 
Many had life-shattering experiences during  the 2006-10 term of office. 
The threat was heard ;  "I will destroy your life"
The election  results were  satisfactory.
But it would be a mistake to imagine so much harm could be so easily erased. 
Namelessly expressing  a sentiment in a blog, so strong, it is repellent to the rest of us, is  small  compensation
Fresh hostility  is  generated  with each reminder.
It's natural.
It should not  be repressed.
Politicians may come and go without making a ripple and sink softly, gently, into oblivion.
In different circumstances, they  will not.  


  1. The # who voted in that election seems so small in retrospect. There was no belief that a difference could be made - the result was a wonderful surprise. But the world could not return to normal because that entire term had been an aberration. Too much residue. I often read here about the complete lack of contrition for all the very real damage. Perhaps that is why the anger keeps bubbling over.

  2. I remember that. The first laugh of the day was generated by Watt's ' Working Girls '. It's still a hoot !

  3. And Snarky missed a zinger? Well done. E.

  4. It is odd. I felt that I had been personally shafted despite not knowing one Councillor from another at the beginning. Neither had I ever met any of those who were personally dragged into that frightful mess. It simply grew over time until it felt like those individuals were members of my family who had been attacked. It seemed perfectly natural to feel fury on behalf of strangers. A couple of councillors, an integrity advisor, staff of long standing, operators of some obscure Blog sites and a talented weaver of town stories - they were among the
    reluctant players. That's when Aurora became worth fighting to save.

  5. But we know them all now.


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