Tuesday 4 September 2012

The D M Was There. He paid

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "And Whereas":

Sorry. I do not understand. Why should the Mayor have to ask permission to attend a fund-raiser for individuals being held on his own front lawn? Was he also expected to pay the entrance fee at the fence? Was Ballard?

 The Deputy-Mayor was in attendance. He was not invited to  join the official party. He paid admission to enter the town  park. 
The Mayor was advised by the St Kitts woman,if he wanted to be introduced the the Ontario Minister of Culture, he should have asked her.


  1. Quebec is voting. Council is meeting and I am going to go totally off topic. It strikes me as strange that the people, all of them, behind the plan to use a huge chunk of the Hydro cash are making their case in the Auroran. I believe that this should be dealt with by Council. There is an inference that the Center will remain protected and paid for every year by Aurora while the Museum gets air-lifted elsewhere. Maybe I'm seeing spooks where there are none but the tinge of secret inter-locking meetings makes me almost as angry as the American and Quebec fiascos. Now I am going to check the election returns and sulk.

  2. If the Darwin Awards were for entities rather than people, Quebec would have just won one!

  3. 8:39 PM But it could have been much worse. The numbers look better this morning.


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