Friday 14 September 2012

Yes Virginia , He really is what he appears to be

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Meaning Of Ethics":

Could someone please explain these 'Tweat ' things? and how we are getting them? I know zip about computers but Ballard claims to be an expert in communications. Could this be someone else using the heading? Surely he should not be this stupid? We should be careful unless someone is certain of the source of these items
 Sorry I can't explain the "tweating" thing .
The exchange between Councillor Ballard and Deborah Kelly  have been forwarded to me  exactly as they appeared on Councillor Ballard's domain. It's like a transcript.
I'm not even sure domain is  the right  word for  the address to  send and receive  Councillor Ballard's  "tweats".  I should stop with the quotes, I think.
If anyone was trying to pin this  demonstration of imbecility on to the Councillor, I think we might have heard  loud protestations by now.
My reader  ponders in disbelief that a Councillor could be so "stupid"
Well, we  have the evidence provided by himself. It's a pattern.
He has already referred to Aurora citizenry as "rubes" in connection with the high culture offered at the occupied museum facility in Church School.  
Don't forget, the exchange that started this thread was between himself and Deborah Kelly, managing- editor of  a group of Metroland newspapers, one of which failed to win the competition for the $30,000.  annual contract with the town.
The  subject of  exchange between the two professional associates, being Conflict of Interest and Ethics. .
Council had an e-mail from a Metroland  person the day before yesterday.
Ii contained information I did not know before. 
It seems  a hot-shot ad salesman with the  Era Banner approached the town in 1993 and sold  the idea of The Aurora Notice Board .. 
There was no other newspaper  in town at the time so, of course,  they got the business without  a competition. They have had it ever since.
Things changed. A new newspaper  emerged.  It was small. But it grew.It was published by  man who cut his teeth on local news.He understood what people wanted and had before Metroland gained a monopoly and provided it in spades.
Twice, it made a  failed bid for the town's business..
Now, it has succeeded.
Squawking ,accusations and threats of retribution have resulted, courtesy of Councillor Ballard,  from the managing editor of the newspaper  that lost the competition, against one Councillor who voted with the  majority vote of  seven  to two.
This time Gaertner and Ballard were the stand-out duo. 
Chris Watts, our  resident media wizard could perhaps  give us a primer on tweating.


  1. Yup. That lady is going to have to explain to her bosses how she managed to let that lucrative contract slip through her fingers. Right now, she is taking it out on others especially Evelyn. So far, she has not looked into her own mirror for the source of her fury.

  2. I see nothing wrong with your reading them if they are sent to you. Too good to resist. But sharing might have to wait until a pro wades in on further distribution. "cause we do have ethics on your Blog - well, we try.

  3. Here's a bad thought. What if Ballard can't get anyone to read his Blog and actually WANTS us to read all this crap on Evelyn's Blog? I think we should stop with the Tweats. Infiltration possibilities . Just saying , but watch out.

  4. This Is Your Blog!

  5. Sean Pearce, former reporter of the Banner, must be watching this and laughing his head off. Good on him. I hope he has a decent boss now who allows decent stories.

  6. A gift horse. Count the teeth. Tweating could be dangerous for one's health.

  7. It would be really hard to swallow for the Banner lady that the only people in town who wanted the renewal of the Banner contract were the 3 Stooges. No one posted any support on the Blogs - maybe one guy, but the Auroran was a shoe-in. Doesn't say a lot for net-working which I understand she was an expert in while lecturing others on becoming leaders. CRASH!

  8. I was just told that the Former occupied the seat usually used by the Banner reporter at the last council meeting. Is it possible that Ms Kelly has hired her to cover local affairs? The last reporter, who was at the Newmarket hearing, was just a month into the job and could have been replaced by the Former. Apparently she was taking notes during the meeting but that does not mean anything.

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