Thursday 18 October 2012


From Today's Globe and Mail

Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty’s office established a high-level initiative codenamed Project Vapour to manage the fallout from the government’s decision to pull the plug on a multibillion-dollar power plant, documents show.
A dozen e-mails, contained in thousands of pages of correspondence made public days before Mr. McGuinty resigned, show that the Premier’s closest advisers were directly involved in sensitive talks with TransCanada Corp., the Calgary energy giant that was to build the province’s third-largest gas-fired power plant in Oakville.
Oh My Lord! Common sense told us that decision could not be justified. 

The chickens would have to come home to roost.

We have seen but the tip of the iceberg. 

The request to prorogue the  assembly to escape accountability, even at the cost of his own resignation ,will not save Dalton McGuinty. 

There's something weird about  Lieutenant- Governor David Onley agreeing to prorogue the house to allow the Premier to resign  and a new Liberal leader to be chosen. 

Political parties have no status in the legislature. 
The winning side is identified as the Government. 
The other side is  Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition. 

Ballots do not identify candidates by political  affiliation.

How can  the convenience of a political party be justification for suspending accountability of  the government?

L.G. David Onley is a television journalist by profession.Who would be his adviser in the matter?

If the government asked to end the government because of a non-confidence vote, the L.G. would  ask if a coalition could be formed to  continue to govern without the need and cost of  an election before its time.

Legislation was passed for  fixed terms of four years. Isn't it barely a year since the last election?

The premier has stated any cabinet minister who would seek the leadership would have to resign his/her cabinet post. 

Somebody new would have to be appointed. Presumably  the 
Province will be governed by the Cabinet. 

What if they all resign to compete for the leadership?Or even half of them?

So many questions. So few answers.

It's not right.   



  1. Democratic government seems quite capable of functioning not as a result of any role that most ministers play, but in spite of them.

  2. No one thought about shredding ? Why not after all the other mistakes? It would nice nice to think that someone drew the line.

  3. Somehow I don't believe that Dalton's life after leading Ontario is going to be nearly as successful as that of Bob Rae. But there could eventually be a very interesting book about these events. How did this happen? And will there be legal consequences?

  4. Hey, Evelyn. Why would someone resign in order to seek the leadership? Why would anyone want the bloody Thing? Even the opposition parties must be eying this premiership with doubt.

  5. 2:23 PM If there is to be a book, it should not be written by that hack Newman. Maybe Simpson from the Globe could do it?


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