Wednesday 17 October 2012


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Some Are Best Forgotten":

.... and Mussolini made the trains run on time!Bob Rae was a boob. I remember the Toronto Sun's editorial cartoons of him with his mittens on a string hanging out his sleeves. We are on the Evelyn Buck blog so I will take an opportunity to yearn for the return of the good old days. Bill Davis as Premeir, Bette Stephenson in Education, James Snow in transportation. Oh, if we only had those people again....

and Hitler built Volkswagen and the Autobahn and brought Germany out of the Depression. I think that happened. 
So what changed.
The Toronto Sun changed the face of journalism.
It  was  modelled on the Daily Mirror, a British tabloid  that one could  hold  and read while hanging on to the strap  above one's head, on the bus, on the way to work every morning. 
It was one  of a dozen morning newspapers. 
One of  a couple of  dozen dailies 
I read it every morning. 
Became so depressed about the state of things, I emigrated with my husband and two sons to Canada. 
Never looked back. 
I do not read the Toronto Sun,.
Number One Son is currently  living in Paris. He has noticed how everybody  reads all the time wherever they happen to be.It seems little has changed.
I talk to him on Skype. 
He sends pictures of where he is on Facebook    


  1. Bill Davis was really interesting to watch. He could control a room full of angry people & talk his head off without breaking into sweat. It was only later, when you were driving home from the auditorium, that you realized that he had not really said anything of substance at all.

  2. For some things, like communicating with family. the internet is great. Can you imagine how much the phone companies could have made on the night after Dalton resigned? On the downside, how many kids went to work for Bell right out of school?


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