Wednesday 31 October 2012

Who Will Buy, My Sweet Scented Lavender

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "It Is Misinformation":

Maureen Dowd this morning proves that leadership can even survive politics.
When will leadership surface in Aurora? 
Much as I detest the no-holds-barred  Republican ads in  the campaign for the American Presidency;
Much as the media frenzy irritates I am totally addicted to the incomparable drama of American politics.
Staged events have nothing to do with it.
Who could have predicted Hurricane Sandy, the  hundred year storm that would put long- stride President Obama ,front and centre, and  sideline the short-stepping challenger.
With the terrible costs of damage from the storm, comes  hundreds of thousands of employment opportunities.
Even in the depression, President Roosevelt had to make work . 
Will Romney insist only the private sector can  handle it properly ?
Will  tragedy and helplessness  stand up to  Romney's  argument that  government has no role in the affairs of the nation?
That profit alone signifies success and  money by itself, dictate measurement of  need ? 
No fiction writer could have come up with a better twist to the story,    
How great it is to be able to read  the New York Times, Maureen Dowd and other outstanding journalists, within minutes of publication.  
The Toronto Star is planning to set up a firewall to compel on-line readers to pay . 
Yesterday's story on the report of the unbelievably, unintelligent Ontario Ombudsman, Andre Marin, is one good reason I will not be buying.
No member o Aurora Council could fail to stand up in comparison to that individual
Yet he has been appointed  by  several  provincial governments to  act as judge, jury and executioner.
He has wallowed in the public trough for a couple of decades already.  


  1. Ration your use of Times articles, Evelyn. When you hit 10, the hammer falls. We tried to explain about a computer on the blink and they weren't having any of it.


  2. Maureen's columns normally appear Wednesdays and Sundays.

    Only one left before the vote that rocks the world.

    Expect she will eviscerate the 'mitten.'

    What will be even more fun will be her post-election analysis.

    Can hardly wait.

  3. Your comments about "long stride and short stepping made me laugh. I just happened to notice the other day Mr. Romney's gait and you are right about the short steps. He walks like a little girl.

  4. But Mr Marin has no teeth. He says himself that he just interviews people and that is why they should all agree.
    Which might be the reason for his recent remarks. He wants teeth. Hasn't proved why he should have any but the Municipal Act is a joke.

  5. Hallowe'en 2012
    The kids are hunting in packs using their phones. I heard one girl say " Two houses over they give out chocolate bars & you get to pick the one your want! "


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