Tuesday 6 November 2012

For The Record

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Put The Blame On Mame, Boys":

I am not sure on which line to place this comment. There is another letter from Mr Falk in which he contends, perhaps correctly, that the Jazz Gang were given permission to have their slot and even to grow it by the CAO. Which brings me to the question of who is responsible for such a decision. I thought that council had asked Staff if permission had been given and received a negative reply.
Who makes the decisions around there? And who takes responsibility for them?

Th  record shows Council approved  a resolution in October to  invite proposals for a music festival in the town park on the August long week-end in 2013. 
The question was asked, by a Councillor, if a permit had already been issued for that date.  The answer  from  the Director of Leisure Services  was "No, it has not"
The CAO  does not process applications .
Council exercised its legal authority and opened up  the opportunity
for a proposal to be made under terms of reference which will not likely include a fence around the  town park.    

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