Thursday 29 November 2012

Visions Of Sugar Plums Dance In Our Heads

.I don't do gushing. Where gushing  happens, I wish  to be someplace  else. Gush and upchuck are synonymous in my book. 

I have something to tell  so unbelievably exciting, my main problem will be to refrain from gushing.

The Town is to receive a gift.  A parcel of  land, twenty times the size of Mosley park, is to be ours. 

A wildlife park , interpretative trails, a child care facility, classrooms for children, a cafe /restaurant / banquet facility will all be accommodated. 

Three soccer fields with artificial turf and lighting  are planned. 
A swallows nesting place,  song bird meadow, snake hibernatum, turtle pond, fox habitat , deer foraging area , interpretive trails  are part of the package.

An outdoor farmers market and  craft fair are potentials .

Wooded areas, wetlands , with  the East Holland river running  through the property form the ambiance.

Year round programs and banquet facilities  will be available.

Parking for 491 cars  in the hydro corridor traversing the south-west corner of the property. 

And finally, a foundation to be set up to provide for  self-sufficient operation .

An application was before Council last night for a change in zoning. 

The land is part of a larger parcel, currently designated as a settlement area of  Oak Ridges Moraine. Currently zoned to accommodate six residences and a multiple residential building for farm workers,  the smaller parcel  will be severed and rezoned to public open space with  buildings as described above, on the table land  on  the east side of Bayview Avenue frontage,  north of the Vandorf Sideroad. 

Residents within the required radius had been notified Numbers  attended the planning meeting.

One woman indicated  firm opposition  because of lights and increased traffic.

Another  expressed concern about lights.

Frank Stronach is our benefactor. Fortune and  Canada have smiled upon Mr. Stronach. His intent is to return something to the community which has been home to his children and  his grandchildren. 

I find the sentiment admirable. 

We must  celebrate the advent with all the grace and dignity of which we are capable.

I am happy to  be the  bearer of the good news.The press were not in attendance. 

If  Blog could sing, the song would be.

             God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
              Let nothing you dismay.
              A wonderful project to meet many needs 
              Is sent along its way
              With joyful approval and appreciation.  


  1. The zoning application has been posted a few times on the Town's Noticeboard in the paper, so this info has been out there.

    I guess the Catholic parish's loss is the whole Town's gain. (Frank Stronach wanted to build a new church for Our Lady of Grace in that area at no cost to the diocese, but they said 'no thanks'. There was talk of not wanting to accept his non-negotiable, Austrian-style ecclesiastical design)

    I think this will be a great amenity (several, in fact) for the town's residents. Maybe Mayor Dawe can get Mr Stronach on board to help make the Heritage Park a reality, too.

  2. Well said Councillor Buck.
    Couldn't have said it any better.
    Such a gift.

    Thank You Mr. Stronach.


  3. Frankly, magnificent!

  4. I am really pleased that he didn't follow the example of the guy who built that Cathedral south of here. It was pretty well neglected until the housing went up around it. Sad. There was the one visit from the Pope but basically the gates were usually chained.

  5. I checked out the plan and the location is absolutely perfect for the way the town is developing. What a super present which we didn't do anything to deserve!

  6. Please assure me that all of the councillors were polite and grateful. No talk about suitable jobs or quality of life. Just gracious acceptance all around the table.

  7. Question for Clarification, please
    If Aurora has a Public Relations Department, why do we learn about important events like this on Blogs? Last year we heard the date for the tree lighting from Christopher. I have no problem getting information this way but resent paying a growing # of staff for the job.


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