Sunday 30 December 2012

A Good Sign

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "If We Do Not Learn From Our Mistakes We Are Doomed...":

.I fail to see a proven ' need ' for this money. Council has no idea - or do they ?- if any funds remain from previous years. It would be prudent to have a look at the books & ensure that the flow of money is not simply a reflex.


Cash is not  handed over. The group makes  decisions about how it is to be spent. 
 I've seen  money not spent in one year simply added to the amount  provided in the second year. 
It's  not the same as the Culture Centre Board.They get a free buiding that had $3 million invetsed in it for another purpose. 
They get the mainetnace of the building provided free. 
And they get a chunk of money handed on a silver platter for a "purchase of culture"   
There is no "proven need" for those  funds to be spent either. 
A huge forecast increase in taxes in hard times would be a better than excellent  reason not to continue the funding.
The  Town Treasurer frequently uses the phrase "needs and wants"  
Things we need and things we would like to  have. 
It never really comes down to making  much of a difference in a tax increase advisory.
Council has made  decisions this year on their own authority. 
At the last  meeting of the year, a  staff recommendation was made for a Bylaw to govern disposition of  2012 assessment revenue surplus ,
The  recommendation was not approved.
Councillor Humfrey' s reported receiving phone calls from residents requesting  no tax increases. 
A recommendation was made for the Capital Budget to be approved at the same meeting. Council referred to the fact the Capital budget had not been finalised.
Neither recommendation received approval. 
I am heartened. 
I think it's a good sign for the New Year.      


  1. You are forgetting Mayor Dawe's letter to the Auroran saying that no taxes would be impossible and was even a bad idea>Just saying. I disagree with his argument.

  2. That is the Councillor Humphreys I voted for but you cannot count on her being present ay every council meeting. Good luck with Councillor Gaertner's mantra of " We must support our volunteers." Just not the library.


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