Friday 21 December 2012


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Update on The Museum's Rightful Place.": 
You keep repeating the canard of a 'rightful place'. The museum has been housed in at least five locations, usually where the Town found that they had some empty, unused space.
The Readman House would make a great next home. 
In 1971 York  Region was created . Police departments were amalgamated . The fourteen man Aurora Department vacated the old water works building on Yonge Street.
I asked for and the Historical Society received the vacant space. The potters guild got their first home in the botton of the water tower.
The museum collection  was beautifully and tenderly laid out on tables clad in white until 1976 when the Board of  Education vacated Church Street School. 
Prior to that, there may have been an exhibition in Doane Hall during  Aurora's 1063.  It was temporary. The property was private and loaned for the occasion. 
The  museum collection has had two safe houses.  .
Church Street school  was a  permanent museum service from 1976 until 2002.
The building  was vacated  for necessary  renovations. Subsequently, work  slowed to a crawl because insufficient funds had been raised in the campaign. 
On a resolution moved by myself and seconded by Councillor Ron Wallace, funds  from sale of a precious asset were provided  to complete the renovations and get the museum up and running once more  
Plans had already been commissioned  and completed by the Historical Society for a  thoroughly modern museum. 
I argued, if the town intended using the facility for other purposes.,
as well ,new plans should  be commissioned for that purpose.
 Council  had received a predentatio from the firm of young architects, excited by the opportunity.
An experienced curator had been appointed. Everything was a go. 
My concern was dismissed . The  building was renovated for a museum with opportunity for compatible cultural events. 
The same Council majority  that approved the plans , stole the museum right out from under and slyly signed an agreement that ensured it would never happen.
When  Board Chairman Layton  was asked  in a pblic meeting why  the museum had been excluded from the building. He answered ...they did not make that decision. 
I declared myself unable to accept the answer. 
 I do now. 
Subsequent information came to light. 
A lease was signed for the York Region Arts Group to occupy  space intended for the museum. 
The town's lease agreement with the  board  required  permission  to lease out space to any other organisation. 
That had to go through  Manager of Facilities. who had been re-assigned in  re-organisation of  administration  from the Leisure Services  to Environment and Infrastructure which Director would have known little of  the agreement or  normal process  of leasing out space to separate groups or the Historical Society's  prior right.
He gave the approval.
It's difficult tio imagine that being done without  knowledge of the CAO or consultation with the solicitor. 
The board  ever since has been pocketing revenue for rent of space that they themselves were not paying rent.  
It was dedicated space for the museum.
Soon after the building was formally opened, I inquired of the Chair, again in a public meeting, when  would the museum was  be.
up and running.
Her eyes did not meet mine. They darted in a panic around the table hoping for someone to help her out.
No-one did. 
Finally she responded  the Treasurer would be filing  a report.
He never did. 
At no time  was it ever publicly acknowledged a deision had been made to oust the museum and hand over the entire building to an autonomous board  
An  interim board had attended a Council meeting to be introduced.  The chairman's voice rose in anger as he spoke  which appeared to be directed towrad myself.
Like the taxi owner I mentioned last week.
I had served for two terms on the Library board with the chaiman and had  great respect for his integrity and business experience.
Before retirement, he had been Vice chairman of a major bank.  .
At the formal  opening of the School,  he approached me and introduced himself . . He asked if I remembered him. Reminded me  we had worked together on the library board. 
I was shocked. I had observed no signs of senility in him.
Then the truth hit . He thought I was senile. 
Why would he ? Well , I had to assume he had been thus informed. It wasn't hard to imagine by whom. 
The Interim chairman  had  immediately obtained a donation of  $50,000 from the Toronto Dominion Bank. Accoirding to the agreement, the town matched matched it dollar for dollar. thefirst year,  funds received by the board were  actually $443,000 and not $343,000 .
 As noted, no report was received from the Director of Finance.who certainly should have been a pivotal figure in any agreement involving transfer of substantial funds from the town's treasury.  The only reference to the museum collection was neither in writing or in public. He suggested the collection might   be of no value. It might be a bunch of old stuff picked up at yard sales and donated.
Another suggestion made elsewhere was there might not even be a collection.Nobody knew for sure where it was.
And by the way ,the town didn't own it. 
If the poster wants to talk about canards, I can offer a number.Take your pick.   
The  Director of Finance does not live in Aurora.  His knowledge of the collection would normally be nil.
It must have been something he heard. 
Like the  board chairman .and the taxi operator;
 It'sodd yet not.
A person may not  actually  hear something said,  yet hear it anyway... clear as a bell. 
And  an administration was involved throughout.
As now... with the new agreement ...determined to see it through.
The question is; will  Council hear what's being said...clear as a bell. 
Next year, The Museum


  1. For an organization forbidden under the Tax Act from engaging in Partisan politics, this outfit's slip-sliding around has been incredible. Mass culled e-mailings, invasive tactics at the Town Hall by outsiders, the list rolls on and on. The most evocative moment was when the Chairman of the Board was unable to answer a simple yes-not question without prompting from the two individuals standing on either side of him.
    We are all aware of the history. It is up to Council to decide the Future. A 20 year deal of any kind would remove future Councils from input into the running of their own building.

  2. A lot might depend on which Councillor Humfryes attends that meeting. Will it be the bright business-woman who promised to eliminate waste & watch for big ticket items that could cost too much? Or will it be the little-girl version who just wants everyone to be happy?


  3. This is all very interesting historical reading, but frankly this story and its many reincarnations has become overly tedious.

    While I agree whole-heartedly with you and feel that until we get this thing right, all funding to the Centre should be cut off. We probably both know that this council and any other future one will never have the gonads to deal with this issue in a way that is in the best interests of all the people, not just that primping group of pissants who would make hay with public money.

  4. You are quite right, 1:37 PM. We never know, it's the same with the Mayor. I voted for the guy who would ask, " What is it that you do not understand about the word no ". Then at the termination claus meeting, a complete stranger showed up.

  5. Civil, reasoned comments don't get published but 1:41 PM's passes inspection?!

  6. 4:16 PM
    GYOB for the New Year.


  7. There are too many Chairmen and Directors frolicking in this mess.

    We need some bodies who know what they are doing and who can operate without titles.

    This is even more to the point when discussing the world of IT, which appears to be very expensive with little to show for it, other than continuing costs.

  8. Thank you for a totally whacky week. The longest day of the year is just about finished.

  9. 8:16 PM
    I think it is the darkness that makes it seem so damn long.


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