Monday 17 December 2012

I Never Promised You a Rose Garden

I'm Not 11:00 AM has left a new comment on your post "Political Chicanery":

3:35 PM, the 11:00 AM comment you reference has now been expunged post facto. What was that you were saying about disagreement being encouraged?

Also, how many posts on this blog deal with the Cultural Centre? Again, what was that you were saying about tunnel vision?
This is really funny. Everybody knows I do not profess computer literacy
clicked on comments and discovered tons of spam I was sure I had deleted. 
I think my keyboard is acting up again.Going down the list deleting the mountain of  garbage,for the second time I thought , was a tedious task.
Then I thought, wait a minute, am I in the right place? Sure enough I looked again and there was a separate click for published comments.  I had been  deleting comments already deleted.
Wait a minute, that means I must have deleted comments I didn't mean to delete. 
How foolish  ! How completely  incompetent.
There you go, my cheerful critics. Now you can all have a chortle at my expense.
The post above came in  the instant following deletion of the previous comment
Someone is hanging upon my every word.
Not an admirer, I presume. 
Would anyone care to comment.  


  1. Not to worry. The Snark is all over the Blog. Seems to have completely lost it. The approach the past few days have been scatter-gun on each comment. The only sad thing is that it hits new people hard on their first venture to your Blog.

  2. " Political Points "
    Andy Radia
    Ranks Premiers of Canada
    McGinty is lowest at 23% - but I don't know who or how many were polled.


  3. How many sitting members of council will be physically able and mentally alert in 20 years, apart from you Evelyn?

  4. Keep on trucking. Your Blog.

  5. Censorship!!! But only when it happens to a single individual - him. I figure he might get paid per comment, which could be why they are minimal in length, and, being otherwise unemployed, he becomes angered at the potential loss of revenue. Content is another subject entirely.The Centre is everything perfect - the rest of the Aurora does not reach the radar. Oh, and we on this Blog are beyond the pale.


If you've got a comment, this is the place to leave it for me. Please feel free to leave your name, or even just an email address if you'd like a response. You can also email me directly.