Thursday 24 January 2013

Shuffle Off To Buffalo

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Public Perception":

I am anxious to see how swiftly & well they move to make the Museum component a reality. I think the last agreement was for this month.


In 2011,  a resolution  was passed by  Council  to direct staff to prepare terms of reference for the  position of curator; a person with sufficient background  to organise a museum and provide leadership and guidance to the Historical Society and volunteers
needed to help operate the facility. .
An amount for the position was included in the budget.
 It was  disputed the following year.
Council's direction  on preparing terms of reference got lost along the way.
Instead, the Mayor and CAO  took it upon themselves, without direction from Council,  to hold meetings with the Historical Society to discuss "ownership" of the museum collection. Recommendations from that effort  were  forecast to take twelve months. 
In the  town hall numbers game, twelve months to complete a project comes up regularly.
Since then work was supposed to have been done on cataloging the collection.  Funds were  approved  for a consultant. 
Where  that's at, nobody knows.
If we had hired a curator of sufficient background to organise a museum and provide leadership and guidance to volunteers ,there would have been no need for a consultant to catalogue the collection. That would have been  part of the curator's job with an army  of volunteers to help.
I daresay we may be about to find out current status of varous diections given by Council.
If it hasn't been completely lost in the  Shuffle Off To Buffalo or Tim Horton's for a forty minute coffee break.

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