Wednesday 16 January 2013


A number of issues were discussed last night. From a taxpayer perspective all negative. 
John West Way is an arterial collector road. It gathers traffic from themain drag and feeds it into side streets.
People often buy homes on a collector, then  discover later there's a down side...
John West Way has continued to be developed in multi-residential 
projects and  traffic continues to grow.  
Council  received a letter from a resident concerned about the traffic and convinced  someone  might have an accident. 
Staff were directed to look into the  matter  which they did. 
A report was submitted last night. 
Pages and pages. Multiple tables. 
Man hours, trucks and equipment were used.
Speed was recorded at various times of the day. 
Numbers of cars at different times. 
Numbers of pedestrians. 
Wait time . measured  in seconds, to cross the road.
One accident has happened in two or three years. 
The manager of a seniors building wrote to say  how difficult it is for seniors to cross the  busy road. 
The report cites warrants from established authorities and town policy.  
Numbers collected in the problem area were substantially below warrants .
The report recommended against installation of a signalized pedestrian  crosswalk at $89,000. 
An alternate was also  offered . Council could do it anyway. 
The Mayor moved the resolution. Councillor  Pirri,, who doesn't pay taxes, seconded the motion.
The majority has the authority and they decided. .
A factor  presents for taxpayers to consider. 
A Director is on the payroll to provide  professional advice'professional standard. His salary , on the sunshine list, is  closer to $200,000 than it is to $100.000. 
The peopleto do the work are on the payroll. Weeks.were involved.
Wages are paid. Benefits provided. Contributions to pensions are made.
Sick pay and  vacations are provided. 
O.M.E.R.S. benefits are the best .
We provide vehicles. 
Equipment. Computers.Telephones. Desks.
We bought a $440,00 software program fifteen months ago, and spent $123,000  more since for bit and pieces of equipment..hired several  more people for technical support. to keep track of assets.  It still isn't up and running. 
We are building a joint facility  for works and parks, at a cost of twenty million dollars including land, to make room  for  all the people on the payroll and the equipment we provide.. .
We send them out to do the job they were hired to do..
And they do it. 
Then  Council , sits around a table like a bunch of  grinning catan apes, sweep it all aside and do the political thing anyway.. 
To applause .
Literally. .    


  1. Sucking & Blowing?16 January 2013 at 12:34

    You constantly - and correctly - state that Council has the authority. Meanwhile, you often rail against senior staff (and other qualified professionals).

    You can't have it both ways...

  2. Nothing we can do. They made their decisions. Sorry for the bad night at the office.

  3. 12:34 PM
    Why must everything revolve around you? Just because you are a university educated qualified professional? Evelyn was elected. You were not. Remember that, please.

  4. S O U R G R A P E S from those that are the crusaders against MorMac.

    I was not alive during WWII, but I can only imagine that the Axis powers were hated almost as much by the public as the hate for MorMac here.


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