Thursday 17 January 2013

Politics !.

I Call B.S. has left a new comment on your post "Mais non moi, mon ami":

But, as she told us at GC, "it's not personal."


Private conduct is personal. 
From being a candidate to being elected to public office, a  private person becomes public.  
Everything one says, every decision one makes,  within legal authority is  said and done on behalf of  others and subject to critique.
It belongs to the public. 
It's what one commits to, of one's own free will ,when one offers to serve in elected office. 
It was ever thus.
There's  no use yelping  about it. 
If you  didn't know about it, and now that you do, you don't have the gonads to deal with it, there is another option. 
The only thing that's new on the scene is the social media.
I 'm certainly not new and I have  scars to prove it. 
I'm not planning to retain lawyers to raise the question of whether or not the municipality can create a new board after the  model of a library board  to disburse public funds for the purchase of something so ethereal as culture.


  1. By God Ev your firing on all 8 cylinders today, but then again your audience gives you all the material you need to lay it all out there, may you live forever more

  2. It really is not personal. It has always been dollars & sense. That was why the current Council were elected. They forget it at their own risk. Aurora's taxpayers did not create this situation; they voted to stop financial waste.

  3. I believe that the scary thing for the Board is that if they were not there the hired staff could run the place all by themselves. They really are not essential and in today's economy that is not a good thing.

  4. Strange that the one to call "B.S." is to same who hollers, " Censorship ", "Offensive" and "Rude". Well past time to get it's own Blog instead of trampling all over this one trying to impose rigid rules for comments. Keeps forgetting that this is Evelyn's Blog...not it's personal feeding ground.

  5. Anyone that has read Evelyn Buck's writings over the years, be it here or in the countless letters to the editors, you will notice a similar trait.

    She writes things in a way that places certain things into the sub-text that while she can claim "I did not say that - you did" clearly the intimation is from her.

    This is how she can claim to be as pure as the new fallen snow in her yard but still be the accusitory thorn in every council that she has been a member.

    Why would she say that Pirri doesn't pay taxes in a discussion about spending tax dollars unless she felt that he is not worthy of the discussion? Then she further states that he lives at home with his parents, as if that is something that dis-qualifies him.

    Regardless that he lives there, someone in the household pays property taxes. As someone who earns an income, he pays income taxes which at some point in time are trickled down to the municipal level.

    Paul Pirri has every right to suggest a crossing regardless of the cost because he is a resident of this Town and is a duly elected councillor.

    What this Town needs is more Paul Pirris. Maybe then we will stop trying to run this place like it is the mid-60s.

  6. 10:25 AM
    I see you are wearing your sociologist hat this morning. A little off on one side. Evelyn & Paul were both elected - you were not. Get over it.

  7. I believe that the scary thing for the Board is that if they were not there the hired staff could run the place all by themselves. They really are not essential and in today's economy that is not a good thing.

    January 17, 2013 at 9:00 PM
    The board is completely volunteer -- many hours given to the community -- how is that not essential of affordable?

  8. 11:20 AM, don't go baffling the naysayers with facts. It disturbs their dissembling.

  9. 11:20 AM
    To even ' appear ' to be ' essential ' is important to those few individuals. It would be very difficult to admit that the place could run without their visionary oversight and deep wisdom. That other mere mortals might keep an eye on operations. Without all the attitude and public relations gaffes that have plagued them since the beginning.
    We have volunteers all over town doing an excellent job. They are not the subject of debate anywhere else. Why do you wave that flag in this one case?

  10. Dear 11:20 AM
    And since when have you ever heard of a group of volunteers who had never even thought about making their project self-sufficient? The idea have never been conveyed to them?
    Man. are you ever blowing smoke today!


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