Wednesday 30 January 2013

Lamebrains are the problem.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "NITTY GRITTY":
2:11 PM

I think their money obscures the facts and their ability to think.

If they feel they know what is best for everyone, how is it that the average elected representative, at any level, is such a lamebrain
 I'm not telling you what to think mind but I think the  average elected representative spends  his time trying to guess what the average voter thinks. Then that's what he says. 

Because he wants to be  elected or re-electe

In my opinion, The average voter is  vastly underestimated.

The media doesn't even contemplate an impact from voter votes. .

When an election is over, the media  usually discuss  mistakes and masterpieces of the candidates , their strategists.their advertising,  their endorsements.
How much money they raised for the campaign.
As if the masses have no minds. 
As if the mindless masses don't count
There are of course mindless masses.
They don't vote.
They stay at home and parrot  ....What's the point? 
Then they are counted as the ones who didn't vote for this candidate or that. 
While the fact, is they didn't vote for any.candidate at all.          

1 comment:

  1. Amen Councillor. I would sure like to know how to engage neighbours and friends and family into caring more and getting out to vote at all levels.


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