Thursday 17 January 2013

Mais non moi, mon ami

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "It Was Not Said By Me":

"I did not say that . You did."

Of course you never really say what you intimate with your word-craft. 
You also don't deny this. Clearly Pirri, like every other council member that you have EVER sat with, is not liked by you. "Boy Wonder"??? That's a insulting statement to make. 
You really are a rude woman.
My sister Kathleen  trained  to be a  registered nurse at  Glasgow Royal Infirmary. It was a form of indenture. 
Probationers did full shifts on the wards and attended lectures on  time off.
My sister was two years older than me.  She often came home and recounted lectures she had attended
For example; a person preparing for a job interview, has something in their record  they would not want to be revealed. It  would  inevitably be the first thing blurted out. Because it's there, in front of their mind. That  lecture must have been associated with human behaviour
Years later my sister would be infuriated  when I remembered something she had learned and forgotten . 
Paul Pirri  kept no secrets  about  his  personal status when he was a candidate.  Everyone knew his age,  that he was just finishing his education , that he is single and lives with his parents.
He missed his cousin's wedding when Council had the orientation week-end. His mother was displeased about that . As I would have been. 
On Tuesday, he joked  to everyone's amusement, the Director might use  an unemployed Councillor to put up the signs on Mark and Spruce Street.
On the other hand, I  am seldom  accused of not saying what I think.  I draw  word pictures. And yes, I stop short of  telling  others  what to think. 
Likely some people  dislike me because of it.
Many would suggest being blunt is less than mannerly.
In some circumstances,they might be right. In others they might not.
That being said, I do not suggest the electorate had no right to elect Paul Pirri to public office. The decision was not his. It was theirs. 
Someone  else did that.
I merely published the comment.


  1. But, as she told us at GC, "it's not personal."

  2. I see nothing wrong with " Boy Wonder ". It was frequently used during the election as Councillor Pirri presented himself as someone to represent the ' youth ' of Aurora. I voted for him simply because we desperately needed new faces on Council. Sometimes he has shone, as when he & Councillor Abel tried to get the Centre to rewrite that foolish old agreement. Other times, I have just shaken my head in wonder.
    To claim the term ' boy wonder' to be rude is itself insulting, not the phrase criticized. He's still the youngest on Council. I'm sure the critic has far nastier catch-phrases for Evelyn.
    Could we please cease trying to define politically correct usage and discuss content.?


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