Wednesday 23 January 2013

Public Perception

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Thank YOU":

How are you feeling today?

I'm better when I have something else to think about besides myself. 
I watched the Council meeting on television last night. It was  a bird's eye view instead of  a ring-side seat.
Camera work is not great. 
The Council Chamber is  impressive. Huge. Round. Good colours..  Councillors are tiny sticks in their chairs  except when speaking.
It was interesting that all felt obliged to make lengthy speeches about why they were endorsing the Culture Centre  agreement.
Several said it wasn't perfect but it could be improved.
Well,  I thought, if that's what you  really think, why  have you not  improved it ?
I turned  the channel to CNN after the meeting ended. 
Piers Morgan had a panel  to rate President Obama's  Inaugural speech. 
I thought, genius that I am, what if a panel like that followed every council meeting. 
The CNN panel  had an audience. The audience had cards, each with a letter from A to F to signify the card holders rating of the President.
Public  perception  is  the  reality of politics. 
The Inaugural was said to have been attended by one million people. They had estimated 800,000 would be there. 
Former President George Bush second Inaugural  was said to have attracted 500,000. 
How does one  gauge those  numbers  
It was an ocean of movement.
So what would be the perception. The throngs of hundreds of thousands of cheering humanity. or the small audience in the CNN studio. 
It's an interesting thought. 
What would be the perception of  Council's  endorsation of the Culture Centre Agreement on Tuesday night ? 
Applause from board members  present in the Chamber ? 
Or Councillors'  statements the agreement isn't perfect  
It  remains to be seen.     


  1. Given the decision last night, I have been assessing the performances of the town of Aurora during the Centre controversy. At the top of my list are Councillor Abel & Buck, alphabetical, and Solicitor Mar. They spotted the problems and kept pounding away to try and rectify the mess. I include Councillor Thompson because, beyond an original gaffe, he has tried his best. The rest are ranked in descending order. Councillor Gaertner is at the very bottom for her venomous comments.
    Hopefully, the mop that swept the 6 board members out will be effective. Me, I will be watching for back-sliding into entitled mode.

  2. Some of the speech-makers last night would not be pleased if we were to give them marks. But any media polling system would have flaws. We have to wait to get an electoral crack at them. My daughter wandered through while the TV was on and commented over her shoulder, " Who is that wuss? " What a difference a few years can make. She doesn't know the Auroran high mucky-ups.

  3. Hi
    Being a relative newcomer to Municipal politics, I found last night's exercise fascinating. And since it is all on tape I can actually see which of the ones I originally selected have done any work since their pre=election speeches. Still got 3, maybe 3 1/2, keepers. The rest got tossed.

  4. Thank you. I hope you are getting better. It is supposed to get a bit warmer in the next few days. Take care.

  5. Tomorrow morning Toronto receives the verdict on Mayor Ford's appeal. The Star is still using Mascarin who will only say that a decision in 16 days seems early and indicates a unanimous trio. Isn't risking which way it will go. Globe's coverage is better.

  6. WE also should thank Christopher, Matt and other bloggers who kept the pressure on. Without everyone working together, nothing would have changed. It still needs work but notice has been served that they will be monitored closely.

  7. We will wait with bated breath for the ' massive fund-raising ' that Councillor Ballard claims will be ' unleashed '. It had better be aimed squarely at their own membership through collection of dues and user fees because it isn't going to work if they just hold up local individuals for items to be auctioned off. Time they foot their own bills. The forthcoming budget will be an indication of true intent. Or not.

  8. I am anxious to see how swiftly & well they move to make the Museum component a reality. I think the last agreement was for this month.

  9. Mission Unaccomplished24 January 2013 at 12:14

    I'm confused, 10:00 AM. You're thanking people whose aim was the eviction of the Cultural Centre from Church St School. Their campaign failed, epically so.

  10. "I am anxious to see how swiftly & well they move to make the Museum component a reality."

    If by "they" you mean the Cultural Centre, that's not their responsibility, 11:21 PM. They've lost the use of the Aurora Room in the new agreement. What will be accommodated there is the responsibility of the Town (probably working with the Historical Society, and pending the Town's acquisition of the Aurora Collection).


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